Don't you Socratic method us fucker
We're onto your tricks
We're not asking ourselves any semblance of logic
Those are not real kids being sold and trafficked.
They are CRISIS ACTORS! To help the plan move forward.
Don't you Socratic method us fucker
We're onto your tricks
We're not asking ourselves any semblance of logic
Those are not real kids being sold and trafficked.
They are CRISIS ACTORS! To help the plan move forward.
On Point Sir
Those with a mind already designed to operate in this zone have all probably struggled with this idea.
This idea was tossed around early on in Nov Dec 2017.
We decided that we'd wait and let the news prove out Q as fake or not.
This far in and we can say that Q is real, but the results promised are not.
So we can only conclude that Q was either an operation to keep us rallied.
Q has a plan that has been thwarted
Q was fake and we're all just this dumb