he was trolling them for their point of view?
quoting the scriptures that were tainted to see what their reaction would be?
how could there be any other explanatin that doesnt' go along with your slander.
his anger at the money changers in non-Jew area of the temple means nothing to you?
you are so sure of the correctness of what yo u say, like a 'teacher of the law' in the temple of your hubris.
"is reported to have said"
I like bible hub because I can read many different commentaries and translations so I can try to ascertain a meaning within the context of it.
so your tackt could be to never negotiate or try and bring a solution that benifits all sides, but also brings the guilty to justice?
An emmissary yo would send you'd accuse of being a traitor becuase they are seen in negotiations with them either 'at theatre' or 'on a golf course'. or Windsurfing the Vinyard empty shorelines?
A diplmat has to be able to inspect the farm, the field, and the factory is that's necessary.
but you want a pretty picture for ?