Anonymous ID: 3001f9 June 7, 2019, 10:05 a.m. No.6694326   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4356


the problems with crypto are many and obvious

as for USA such a shceme interferes with our CONSTITUTION



The Congress shall have Power To…coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin….




congress is the problem

not the powers delegated to congress

clean house needed - badly

Anonymous ID: 3001f9 June 7, 2019, 10:12 a.m. No.6694372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4426


to clarify it is not my position that crypto is "unconstitutional" (i had not even considered that but it may be possible?) but that it conflicts with an expressly delegated power

and those powers were all created for a good reason

tx anon

Anonymous ID: 3001f9 June 7, 2019, 10:21 a.m. No.6694435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4492


wow an actual OBJECTIVE post on abortion

well done anon

however roe v wade needs to go

not cuz its bad policy - as you note it represents mainstream views and always has


no it cuz SCOTUS has NO right to make policy by inventing "rights"

that is why its still so controversial


this needs to be voted on by WE THE PEOPLE then the divisionfagging will end

Anonymous ID: 3001f9 June 7, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.6694448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4554


here is a past notable of interest anon



Anons remember BIS? (Bank of Intl. Settlements that controls all banks) Remember Q said GOLD will bring down the fed? think the banksters do not know this? think again as they are trying to get ahead of this move but it will fail - the banks will survive ONLY if they in effect participate in their own demise by the adoption of real physical GOLD - BRILLIANT PLAN ONCE AGAIN (note silver is the same case only more so % wise)

SO THEN - BIS plans in 2 weeks to reclassify physical gold as a cash equivalent - this is the first move AWAY from paper trades and is a MASSIVE move - paper trades are the primary tool for manipulation and fraud by hedge funds and traders - now the BIS has monetized physical gold

Bankers know this - what are they doing? recent stats show 715 TONS of physical gold to their reserves last yeart alone - and this does NOT include CHINA which is also hoarding - AND it does not include STATE owned GOLD now flowing away from London to capitals all around the world - all of this will undermine the market for paper gold


physical gold and silver production and reserves way down - cost to produce GOLD is close to the current market price! does not make sense - so banksters are buying PAPER gold and NOW demanding physical gold to rdeeem - they are scooping up as much as they can kowing when the supply runs out the PAPER gold will be worthless

final step = the central/state bank will simply make a bookeeping entry and convert all the physical GOLD to back their currency - and voila like MAGIC we have gold backed currency


conclusion - start stacking NOW anons - everyone can afford to buy 10 ounces of silver NOW for under $175 - you may NOT be able to afford these same 10 ounces next year when they will cost $500 - BEST hedge against what is likely to happen with the fiat dollar - although IMO a "reset" will ease the effects of what is to come - the more you know….


FINAL GEM - went to Google to search for "BIS to reclassify physical gold as a cash equivalent"


went to DDG and got sauce - in ITALIAN





Biggest news of March 29, 2019 goes UNREPORTED -

remember Bank of Intl. Settlements in Switzerland anons? The control structure for all banking WW - well as of today:

BIS to reclassify physical gold as a cash equivalent

only sauce - in ITALIAN


MARCH 29 ANONS - MARCH 29 - think what this means and why governments and banks WW are stockpiling GOLD

Anonymous ID: 3001f9 June 7, 2019, 10:24 a.m. No.6694458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4498 >>4554 >>4592


here is another past notable on gold


anons - here is my understanding of how gold will effect the power and preatices of the fed - the main thing the fed does EVERY DAY is sell us govt. bonds - each bond is a DEBT that must be paid with interest by we the american people. Big banks and other govts. buy most of the bonds. The "money" from these sales goes to the govt. - the federal budget is so fucked up that these bonds MUST continue to be sold to pay day to day expenses of the govt and that is why our budget "deficit" keeps rising - there is NO fiscal responsibility in Congress and has not been for many decades. Big banks and the fed are happy with this - WE THE PEOPLE are getting screwed.


Yes the Fed also BUYS bonds back but this is just a trick - they buy to increase the so called "money supply" so banks can make their own balance sheets look better (think stock values for rich fucks) at least for a quarter or so….


All of this is done on the "good faith and credit" of the US govt - that is WE THE PEOPLE. There are NO actual assets securing the bonds but since these "assets" are on the books it allows the trearuty to pay bills and print MOAR paper money - again all on credit.


To compare - when WE THE PEOPLE buy a home or a car we also issue a "bond" but it is called a Promissory Note - same thing - but in order to get that money we must also OFFER THE CAR OR HOME AS "COLLATERAL" (AKA "SECURITY") for the debt (bond/note) That was if we do not pay the bank seizes the property and sells it to pay the debt - as an aside consider the role of the DOWN PAYMENT - this is so WE THE PEOPLE have skin in the game and do not want to lose it AND to cover the banks expenses if we do. (except when the govt. ORDERS banks to give loans to non-qualified borrowers with NO down payment who default then WE THE PEOPLE have to pay it back - again with MOAR DEBT - think 2008 sub-prime mortgage crisis)


Now I am NOT against leanding money at interest (I AM against usury which is charging illegal or super high interest) BUT the sole purpose of DEBT is to FINANCE a CAPITAL ASSET! This is GAAP (accounting and tax) 101 - long term assets are good to finance to spread the cost of the assets over its (long) useful life. And the IRS ONLY allows us to treat LONG TERM assets this way.


NOW contrast this with a business that is bleeding cash - yes like the US govt.!!! In the past they borrowed (issued bonds) to pay for CAPITAL ASSETS just like WE THE PEOPLE - the only exception to that was WAR EXPENSE - which was an acceptable short term ER spending. Now see why ROTH wants wars? They have used WAR lending as a trap for centuries to justify more borrowing and more spending.


So we now find ourselves borrowing money not for CAPITAL ASSETS but also FOR EVERY DAY OPERATING EXPENSES. That is bad - very very bad - as common sense tell us all. Unsustainable. Yet the FED keeps us right there and supports the blood sucking spending of the US Congress - year after year - bubbles form - they break - WE THE PEOPLE lose and GM or bansk get a bail out with MOAR DEBT FROM THE GOVT.


POTUS knows all this - and that is why he knows GOLD will stop this cycle - because once the govt. is forced to hold physical GOLD to back their paper dollars (remember a dollar bill is a loan by the govt.) - the "LOAN" IS THEN SECURED - NOT ONLY IS THERE A DOWN PAYMENT BUT THE DOLLAR IS FULLY SECURED. Once this becomes a LEGAL requirement then there can be no more fake unsecured paper money issued by the Treasury and the budgets will have to be balanced - balanced by THE GOLD. In other words if we have 1 trillion dollars in GOLD we can issue 1 trillion dollard of greenbacks - thats it - no more gold no more greenbacks. SOLID STABLE currency.


This will require RESTRUCTURE of the FED so that they are no longer permitted to sell UNSECURED BONDS - again exceptions can be made for CAPITAL ASSETS and yes, ER/WAR expenses. But NO MORE endless supplies of fake money backed by future generations.


Will the system then be perfect and problem free? of course not - but it will be the fundamental transformation that Q and POTUS have worked for. (PS - i strongly suspect Q team has already located and seized massive amounts of bullion from the wrongdoers - KEK)

Anonymous ID: 3001f9 June 7, 2019, 10:36 a.m. No.6694563   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4612


>wrongly applied

yes that is it anon

which is what one gets from a court decision NOT clearly grounded in the constitution or based on a detailed federal law passed by congress

congress is such a major failure it is sad

Anonymous ID: 3001f9 June 7, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.6694629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4658


you are passionate about this issue anon and rightly so

this is the result of centuries of evil and corruption and centralization of power

well it is STOPPED now

lets hope it all goes public and soon