Anonymous ID: b05a2e June 7, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.6694627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4715

OVER AND OVER AGAIN… Republican Lawmakers Refuse to Support Trump or His Voters — Is It Time for a New Party? Is It Time to Brexit the GOP?


When people show you who they are, believe them.


The Republican Party never much liked Donald Trump or what he represented.


The GOP and establishment conservative groups never much liked Trump’s supporters.


Republicans were fine at cowering behind their desks at the first sign of adversity. They were used to making promises and not following through. They were happy to cede power to a radical fascist left that continues to tear away at the fabric of this great nation.


When Trump won Paul Ryan said he would build a wall.

Paul Ryan lied… repeatedly. He never had any intention of building a wall.


Either did Mitch McConnell.


When Trump declared a national emergency at the border 12 Senate Republicans voted against him. TWELVE!


In May GOP senators killed off Trump supporter Steve Moore’s nomination to the Federal Reserve Board.


They did the same thing to Herman Cain.


Earlier this week GOP Senators undermined President Trump in his efforts to pressure Mexico to prevent the hundreds of thousands of illegals who are traveling through their country to the US.


They said they would not support tariffs on our southern enemy. They won’t support this president.


When Paul Manafort was moved to Rikers Island this week to continue his torture — REPUBLICANS SAID NOTHING!

Do you think they will defend the next Trump supporter when his or her number comes up?


But the worst abuses are on the US Constitution.

Anonymous ID: b05a2e June 7, 2019, 10:45 a.m. No.6694637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4736 >>4849 >>4910

Schiff Calls Two FBI Witnesses to Testify Next Week in Open Hearing About Mueller’s Report – Both Witnesses Previously Worked For Mueller


The House Intelligence Committee, chaired by ‘Pencil Neck’ Adam Schiff will hold an open hearing next Wednesday on the counterintelligence implications of Mueller’s garbage report.


The House Intel Committee announced in a press release Friday:


As part of a series of open hearings on the Mueller Report, on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 at 9:00 am, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence will hold an open hearing — “Lessons from the Mueller Report: Counterintelligence Implications of Volume 1.” The Committee will hear testimony from Stephanie Douglas and Robert Anderson, both former Executive Assistant Directors of the National Security Branch of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.


As part of this series of hearings and testimony, the Committee plans to speak with fact witnesses, national security experts, and others connected to the Special Counsel’s investigation to elucidate the issues and findings in the first volume of the report. This is the second open hearing in the series; the first focused on the Kremlin’s use of oligarchs and money to influence foreign actors. A subsequent hearing will explore the facts discussed in the report about Russian intrusions into U.S. elections infrastructure. The Committee also plans to consider targeted legislative initiatives designed to respond to the counterintelligence concerns highlighted by Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.


Chairman Adam Schiff staid in a statement:


“Since the release of the Mueller report, the American public has learned much about the President’s conduct, his campaign’s interactions with Russia and that nation’s interference in our election and affairs. The evidence has been both criminal and non-criminal, and implicated deep counterintelligence concerns over the potential compromise of U.S. persons. Our Committee’s goal will be to explain to the American people the serious counterintelligence concerns raised by the Mueller Report, examine the depth and breadth of the unethical and unpatriotic conduct it describes, and produce prescriptive remedies to ensure that this never happens again. That is a tall task, but it begins with a detailed focus on the facts laid out in the Special Counsel’s report.”


The two FBI witnesses that Adam Schiff called to testify, Stephanie Douglas and Robert Anderson are Mueller and Comey sycophants.




Stephanie Douglas was actually named Executive Assistant Director of National Security Branch by then-FBI Director Robert Mueller in October of 2012.


“I am confident that under Stephanie’s leadership, the National Security Branch will continue to protect national security and make further strides in its goal of fully integrating intelligence into operations,” then-FBI Director Robert Mueller said back in 2012.


Robert Anderson was named executive assistant director of the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch at FBI Headquarters by then-FBI Director James Comey in 2014.


“Bob has the leadership qualities I believe are essential. He is smart and dedicated and cares about the agents and professional staff who fulfill the FBI’s mission,” then-FBI Director Comey said in 2014. “He has the depth and breadth of casework that will help lead CCRSB and achieve strategic results that benefit the FBI and the American public.”


Previously, Robert Anderson worked under FBI Director Robert Mueller as the assistant director of the Counterintelligence Division.


So there you have it.


We know Mueller’s report is full of lies, omissions and errors, but Adam Schiff has deployed Comey and Mueller sycophants to further smear President Trump during a hearing next week.

Anonymous ID: b05a2e June 7, 2019, 10:51 a.m. No.6694685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4736 >>4849 >>4910

Elijah Cummings’s Wife Hit With New Allegations Of Self-Dealing And Perjury In Updated IRS Complaint


The wife of House Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings is facing new allegations of self-dealing and perjury following the disclosure of financial dealings between her charity and her for-profit consulting firm, according to an IRS complaint a watchdog group filed Friday in response to a Daily Caller News Foundation report.


The National Legal and Policy Center’s complaint is an amendment to its original May 20 complaint against Maya Rockeymoore Cummings’s charity, the Center for Global Policy Solutions (CGPS), which alleged that the nonprofit’s overlapping relationship with her for-profit company, Global Policy Solutions, LLC, could have derived an “illegal private benefit” for her and her husband.


The NLPC’s amended complaint filed Friday highlights the charity’s audited financial reports, first reported by TheDCNF, which detail how it paid Rockeymoore Cummings’s for-profit venture over $250,000 in “management fees” between 2013 and 2015.


TheDCNF’s report on the arrangement “increases the imperative for an immediate Internal Revenue Service investigation,” the NLPC stated in its amended complaint.


The amended complaint states that Rockeymoore Cummings “appears to have been paid twice for the same services,” noting that she collects a “substantial full-time salary” from her charity on top of the 5% management fee it pays her for-profit venture.


For example, Rockeymoore Cummings earned a salary of $152,155 from her charity in 2015, according to its Form 990 tax return that year. Also in 2015, her charity paid her consulting firm $78,178 in “management fees,” according to its audited financial statements.


“It’s self-dealing. It’s taking the charity’s resources and turning them into personal profits,” NLPC investigator Tom Anderson previously told TheDCNF. “IRS law doesn’t allow a charity for this purpose. This isn’t for the public interest, this is for her personal interest. You can’t do that.”

Anonymous ID: b05a2e June 7, 2019, 10:53 a.m. No.6694697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4736 >>4782 >>4849 >>4910

25 injured as explosion rocks Swedish city of Linkoping, bomb squad investigating



The bomb squad has been dispatched to the scene to investigate an explosion in Linkoping, a town in southern Sweden. At least 25 people are confirmed injured, writes.


The shockwave from the large blast, which took place at roughly 9am local time, destroyed nearby windows and balconies and damaged other buildings. Some 20 ambulances were also sent to the scene with at least six fire tenders in support. The police have confirmed that at least 25 people sustained injuries in the blast.


“I stood in the shower and noticed that the whole house shook. It rumbled like thunder,” witness Pontus Johansson told Aftonbladet.


Police have cordoned off several blocks in the immediate area but there are, as yet, no plans to evacuate local residents.


“We started to get a large number of calls from people about a heavy explosion in central Linköping, on Hamngatan,” said Björn Öberg at the police’s management center.


The cause of the explosion is not yet known but it bears the hallmarks of gang-related attacks that have become prevalent in Sweden in recent years. Local resident Pyo Stranding posted on Twitter that it was a “terrorist attack,” though that has not been confirmed.Several people were hospitalized after the incident but the type and extent of their injuries remains unclear.

Anonymous ID: b05a2e June 7, 2019, 10:55 a.m. No.6694708   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sicko Cop Sodomizes Man on Video Over Paper License Plate—Taxpayers to Be Held Liable


Allen Park, MI — Police accountability activists received a rare victory this week when the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denied a police officer qualified immunity for kidnapping a man and shoving his fingers into the man’s anus to look for non-existent drugs.


For those who may be unfamiliar, qualified immunity is a legal doctrine in United States federal law that shields cops and other government officials from being sued for discretionary actions performed within their official capacity—unless their actions violated “clearly established” federal law or constitutional rights. Ramming your fingers into an otherwise entirely innocent man’s anus over a traffic stop is most assuredly a violation of the victim, Kevin Campbell’s constitutional rights.


As TFTP reported at the time, Campbell was driving his wife’s new minivan home in June of 2016 when he was targeted for revenue collection by Allen Park Police Officer Daniel Mack. The resultant stop would end with Mack kidnapping Campbell, throwing him in a cage, and forcefully penetrating his anus with his hand — all over a paper license plate.


The nightmare unfolded on June 7, 2016, when Campbell was stopped because Mack claimed his wife’s new minivan’s temporary license plate wasn’t visible through the back glass.


“He said he couldn’t see the license plate. I thought that was very weird and odd that he couldn’t see a license plate by it being 7:00 in the afternoon,” said Campbell.


Campbell was driving on a suspended license as he was unable to afford the fees needed to reinstate it. For his suspended license, officer Mack arrested Campbell, placed him in handcuffs and patted him down.


What began as a routine revenue collection stop, quickly morphed into a nightmare as Mack accused Campbell of having drugs on him.


“He ran my name, he then got the K9 dog out; him and the K9 dog went searching through the car – didn’t find anything,” said Campbell. The entire search was conducted without probable cause and without a warrant.


Illegally searching Campbell and not finding anything in the car wasn’t enough for Mack. He just knew, like the countless other tyrants with a desire to sodomize innocent people, that Campbell must have put this illegal substance inside his body.

Anonymous ID: b05a2e June 7, 2019, 10:56 a.m. No.6694717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4736 >>4849 >>4910

DOJ Documents Show Bruce Ohr Was Given a $28,000 Bonus During Russiagate Investigation – Plus a Raise AFTER His Demotion


Judicial Watch strikes again!


Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained DOJ documents showing former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr received a larger bonus during the Russiagate investigation than he did the previous year — and even got a raise after he was demoted.


The DOJ documents reveal Bruce Ohr received a $28,000 bonus in November of 2016, shortly after the first FISA warrant was granted on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page — this was at the height of Russiagate.


Was Bruce Ohr rewarded for his role in Russiagate?


Mr. Ohr then received a $2,600 pay increase after he was demoted and reassigned from his position!


Via Judicial Watch:


Judicial Watch today released documents from the U.S. Department of Justice in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request showing the removal of Bruce Ohr from the position of Associate Attorney General in 2017; his transfer from Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force to International Affairs in 2018; and that Ohr received a total of $42,520 in performance bonuses during the Trump/Russia investigation. Ohr’s bonus nearly doubled from $14,520 (received in November 2015) to $28,000 in November 2016.


The released documents were Notification of Personnel Action (SF-50) and Request for Personnel Action (SF-52) forms that were FOIA requested by Judicial Watch in January 2018.


The documents show that on November 13, 2016, Ohr was given a performance award of $28,000. This was during the time of his deep involvement in the highly controversial Justice Department surveillance of the Trump presidential campaign. The bonus was nearly double the $14,250 performance award he was given on November 29, 2015.


Bruce Ohr was married to Nellie Ohr of Fusion GPS and was removed because of his conflict of interest and role as conduit for Fusion GPS material. The documents show that Ohr was removed from his position as Associate Deputy Attorney General on December 6, 2017. On January 7, 2018, Ohr was reassigned from his position of director of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) and shifted to Counselor for International Affairs in the Department of Justice Criminal Division. Ohr received a $2,600 pay increase.


Bruce Ohr and his wife Nellie Ohr, who was contracted by oppo research firm Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Donald Trump, worked together to promote the phony, Hillary-funded dossier during the 2016 election.


Bruce Ohr acted as a backchannel for dossier author Christopher Steele after the FBI terminated their relationship with Steele in November of 2016 as a CHS [Confidential Human Source].

Anonymous ID: b05a2e June 7, 2019, 10:58 a.m. No.6694738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4849 >>4910

US sanctions Iran’s petrochemical holding group, subsidiaries & sales agents


The US Treasury Department has slapped sanctions on Iran’s largest and, according to Washington, “most profitable” petrochemical holding group, for allegedly supporting terrorism.


Announced by the Treasury Department on Friday, the sanctions punish Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (PGPIC) for allegedly providing financial support to Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), formally designated as a “foreign terrorist organization” by Washington in April.


In addition, the sanctions target PGPIC’s “vast network” of 39 subsidiary companies and foreign sales agents. Altogether, these companies hold 40 percent of Iran’s total petrochemical production, and are responsible for 50 percent of the country’s petrochemical exports.


Reiterating familiar claims, the Treasury Department stated that “the profits from these activities support the IRGC’s full range of nefarious activities, including the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their means of delivery, support for terrorism, and a variety of human rights abuses, at home and abroad.”


Months before designating the IRGC a terrorist group, Washington had Iran’s oil industry in its crosshairs. The sector was sanctioned heavily after the US pulled out of the JCPOA, or Iran nuclear deal, last year, a move that dealt a severe blow to the country’s oil-dependent economy. Speaking in France on Thursday, President Donald Trump declared that Iran “is failing as a nation” due to the economic penalties.


US-Iran tensions have risen of late, with Washington beefing up its military might in the Middle East as a “warning” to Tehran. As the US cited unspecified “threats” from Iran, the Islamic Republic’s leadership traded verbal blows with Trump, but insisted that war would not break out.


Earlier this week, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that his country will continue to resist sanctions, and will not be brought to the negotiating table by economic pressure. "Standing and resisting the enemy's excessive demands and bullying is the only way to stop him," Khamenei said.

Anonymous ID: b05a2e June 7, 2019, 11:02 a.m. No.6694760   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Suspect killed after opening fire at Border Patrol while smuggling Chinese nationals into US from Mexico


A suspect was killed in a gunfire battle with Border Patrol agents this week, while attempting to illegally smuggle two Chinese citizens into the U.S. through Mexico.


What are the details?


Officials said 23-year-old American citizen Travis James Eckstein opened fire on agents Monday evening, after refusing to stop for an inspection of his pickup truck at the San Ysidro Port of Entry between San Diego and Tijuana, Mexico.


NBC News reported that after Eckstein drove across the border, he began firing shots while still inside the vehicle, then got out of his truck and began shooting at federal agents who returned fire, hitting him. San Diego Fire-Rescue personnel and CBP officers attempted life-saving measures, but Eckstein died at the scene.


None of the seven Border Patrol officers involved in the incident were injured.

Two Chinese nationals, ages 18 and 27, were discovered hidden in the back of the truck and found to have no legal status to enter the U.S. The men were not injured and taken into custody by Border Patrol.


"The CBP officers risked their own lives to protect the public from this gunman," director of field operations, Pete Flores, said of the incident in a statement released Wednesday. "Human smuggling is always dangerous. This unfortunate incident demonstrates the total disregard smuggling organizations have for what they consider to be cargo."


The Morning Call reported that the San Ysidro Port of Entry is "considered the Western Hemisphere's busiest border crossing," processing roughly 70,000 northbound vehicles on the daily.


According to CBP, operations following the incident were only "suspended for about 30 minutes," and "there was no impact to pedestrian traffic or to southbound vehicle traffic at the border crossing."


Anything else?


Border apprehensions have increasingly soared over recent months, with a 32 percent spike just from April to May — hitting the highest level of arrests in 13 years, The Washington Post reported.


With that rise, officials say, a majority of the illegal immigrants attempting to enter the United States at its southern border are actually native to countries other than Mexico. Last week, a group of 116 African nationals were caught wading across the Rio Grande River into Texas.

Anonymous ID: b05a2e June 7, 2019, 11:04 a.m. No.6694783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4814

Judges Toss West Point Rape Conviction: No One Heard Her Struggle


A cadet who was sentenced to 21 years in prison for raping a sleeping classmate has reportedly returned to the school after three military judges overturned his conviction.

Jacob Whisenhunt was in the class of 2019 when he allegedly attacked a female cadet in her sleeping bag during Cadet Field Training at Camp Buckner on July 7, 2016. The Nebraska native was convicted in May 2017 by a jury of six West Point staff and faculty. A spokesman for the U.S. Military Academy confirmed Whisenhunt’s return on Wednesday to the Associated Press.

On Monday, a panel of three U.S. military judges ruled that the intercourse could not be considered rape beyond a reasonable doubt because there were so many squad mates in “close proximity” and the victim did not make any noise or audibly struggle hard enough, “which would have alerted multiple others” to the alleged rape. The judges’ ruling was first reported on Wednesday by the Military Times.

“It is hard to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that [Whisenhunt] could complete the charged offenses without cooperation or detection,” the panel wrote. “There is no evidence that appellant threatened [the victim] or took any steps, such as covering her mouth, to prevent an outcry.”

The judges also wrote that their belief was supported by the fact that Whisenhunt didn’t try to hide his identity and then left his semen on the woman’s sleeping bag. “There is no evidence that he tried to remove this evidence,” the panel said. The judges said they did not believe Whisenhunt would have so brazenly attacked a female cadet without hiding his identity or removing the evidence.

“To be convinced of appellant’s guilt, we would have to conclude beyond a reasonable doubt that the sexual acts could plausibly occur (and would not be discovered) without active cooperation from both parties,” the judges wrote.

During the trial, according to the Army Times, the woman said she froze when she awoke to find Whisenhunt penetrating her with his finger and then with his penis—and that she “remained frozen in the fetal position during the entire assault.”

Whisenhunt, meanwhile, reportedly testified that the sex was the result of “escalating and consensual touchings.”

At the time of Whisenhunt’s conviction, West Point spokesman Lt. Col. Christopher Kasker said the 21-year sentence “reflects the seriousness of the crimes of sexual assault and rape.”

Retired Air Force Col. Don Christensen, who serves as the president of advocacy group Protect Our Defenders, which aims to give a voice to survivors of sexual assault, noted that the judges’ ruling sets a legal precedent within the Army and called the written opinion “victim-blaming.”

Christensen said he believes the case will negatively affect the rate of survivors coming forward.

“There are so few convictions in the first place in the military,” he added. “Last year there were 108 convictions for sexual assault or rape in the military out of over 6,000 reports. So it’s really disheartening to see a conviction overturned on the whim of judges who weren’t even there for the trial.”

“These judges are out of touch and see themselves as the last bastion against political correctness, versus looking at the legal issues,” he continued. “It’s becoming more common for the service courts to overturn these cases on factual sufficiencies.”

“Most civilian courts do not have this authority, and that’s for a reason,” Christensen added.

Incidents of sexual assault and unwanted sexual contact at American military academies have increased by 47 percent since 2016, the Pentagon announced in January.

Most of those allegations came from West Point, which saw an increase in sexual-assault reports for the fourth year in a row, according to the report.

There were 50 cases reported in the 2017-2018 school year, compared with 26 complaints made during the 2015-2016 school year.

Anonymous ID: b05a2e June 7, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.6694803   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4834 >>4846

Child Sex Trafficker Admits On Camera To Have Killed 400-500 Children: British investigative journalist, Ross Kemp


[C]hild trafficker has gone on the record and confessed during a filmed interview to selling thousands of children into sex slavery and admitted to killing hundreds that he was “unable to sell.”


British investigative journalist, Ross Kemp, tracked down and interviewed the child trafficker, who admits that he has lost count of how many young girls he has killed, but it’s “somewhere between 400 and 500.”


Kemp, an award-winning journalist who’s best known for his fearless documentary making, seems to be struggling with his emotions during the interview in which he’s sat face-to-face with the man as he admits to killing hundreds of kids.


[OP ED] admits to 4000-5000 beyond 12 years old trafficked through him…

Anonymous ID: b05a2e June 7, 2019, 11:11 a.m. No.6694826   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Gives Turkey Two Months to Drop S-400 Deal With Russia - Report


Earlier, acting US Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan has formally informed Turkey that it will not be allowed to buy F-35 fighter jets if it goes ahead with plans to purchase Russian S-400 air defense systems.


The United States gave Turkey time untill the 31th of July to backtrack on S-400 missile deal, media report citing Pentagon.


In December 2017, Moscow and Ankara signed a loan agreement for the delivery of the S-400 air defense systems to Turkey. The first shipments of the S-400 are expected in June. In spite of the US threats to impose sanctions against Ankara, Turkish officials have said that purchasing of military equipment is a sovereign right and ruled out the possibility of abandoning plans to acquire the S-400 systems.


Washington has reportedly given Ankara a chance to either abandon the S-400 deal with Russia until the end of the first week of June or face penalties, which would include sanctions, removal from Lockheed Martin's F-35 jet program and canceling the delivery of 100 F-35 jets.


Earlier in the day acting US Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan wrote in a letter to his Turkish counterpart Defense Minister Hulusi Akar that while the US seeks "to maintain our valued relationship, Turkey will not receive the F-35 if Turkey takes delivery of the S-400".—report/

Anonymous ID: b05a2e June 7, 2019, 11:30 a.m. No.6694976   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Brother Nathanael

June 5, 2019 @ 6:37 pm




JEWtoob BANNED 156 of my Videos today. But not to worry.