ok so..this shitstain of a meme(if it is one) took me half an hour..show some love..this cumguzzler should've never been spat out of peen, especially not on the inside of his mother's vajayjay..
the way he staged his sentences in hearings..making a one man show out of his 5mins..made me go DUDE..drop your point, do it faggot..it's shouldn't be the fuckin soap you're creating..
pure fuckin evil..fuck you cunts..burn in fucking hell.
when i'm trying to report it says i look like a bot..can Anon tell me what could be wron on my side?
Will do..THANK BO!
part of this group who just pulled this shit? being here just coincidental? Same bread?
Can we point out the fact that these shitstain pedos even went ahead and wrote that they are attacking us? It's not that they tried to "blend in"..it was an open attack.."expect more"..holy shit..these people are too fuckin stupid. we have this fuckin bread as PROOF. Three letters HAVE TO FIND THESE FUCKS..and then let justice fuck these people up for good.
How they think THIS is making a point? It probably helps them in some cuntish hearings staged by their mouthpieces but this board is so heavily wtached at by letter soup that they will be embarrassed daring to bring that forth. We have 8600 breads proving this board is NOT what they are trying to make it out to be..it's plain dumb. "You have been warned" WTF are they even thinking? The jig is up. We're mainstream anyway..
not calling for violence here..but i second that.
i know what they're trying..but to shut it down they will have to have few of their hearings..expect D's in congress add CP to their reasons to shut 8ch down..they're already trying the Dom Terrorism thingy which is also stupid as fuck.