Anonymous ID: 9b8a6e June 7, 2019, 11:32 a.m. No.6694992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5199 >>5436 >>5547 >>5689

Ukraine's new president commits to EU, NATO membership


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy intends to keep Ukraine "on the path of European and Euro-Atlantic integration." He also said he is ready to negotiate with Russia to end the war in Eastern Ukraine.


'Ukraine's strategic course remains unchanged'


During his visit to Brussels on Tuesday, newly elected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said his country still aspires to being a member of both the European Union and the NATO military alliance and that he is open to peace talks with Russia.


European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg had been waiting to hear the foreign policy aims of the former comedian, who was sworn in as Ukraine's president last month.


What Zelenskiy said


His government intends to keep Ukraine "on its strategic course … to achieve fully-fledged membership in the EU and NATO." Membership of both entities "is the priority of our foreign policy."

Zelenskiy is eager to revive a peace agreement with Russia reached in Minsk, Belarus in 2015.

Ukraine is "ready to to negotiate with Russia." The country, however, "first must be able to protect" itself.

The "common task" for the two neighboring nations "is to ensure stability and security in the Black Sea region."


Newly elected


On May 20, Zelenskiy was sworn in as the 6th president of Ukraine, which gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Zelenskiy collected 73% of the vote in Ukraine's presidential election in April, defeating incumbent President Petro Poroshenko.


Before his presidential run, Zelenskiy was most famous for his role on Ukrainian political satire television show "Servant of the People," in which he played the president of Ukraine.


Conflict in Eastern Ukraine


Ukraine is still grappling with Russia's 2014 annexation of the Crimean peninsula and an ongoing conflict against pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. The conflict has killed 13,000 people so far.


France and Germany helped broker the Minsk agreement, which ended major combat in the region, in 2015. Deadly clashes still occur regularly, with both Ukraine and the separatists accusing each other of violating the truce.

Anonymous ID: 9b8a6e June 7, 2019, 11:35 a.m. No.6695008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5028 >>5040 >>5093 >>5101

Concerted PSYOP introduces adolescentNew York-based diversity group plants LGBT-oriented seed into the minds of children using books.


“Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) is just what it sounds like—drag queens reading stories to children in libraries, schools, and bookstores. DQSH captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models. In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.” — children to transgender crossdressers on national scale


Transgender drag queens who can proficiently read propaganda-laced books to adolescent crowds are in high demand in the month of June as the New York-based organization Drag Queen Story Time tours nationwide.


Don’t get me wrong — there is nothing wrong with being transgender or gay for that matter but why is this LGBT agenda being pushed onto children at such a young age? I mean after all, who is really behind this? Who is funding this organization? What message are the group’s funders ultimately peddling to these youngsters?


“You can be whatever you want to be at any time of your life it doesn’t matter,” one drag queen who spoke at the children’s Book Cellar pointed out to News Center Maine last Saturday.


State imposed Child abuse

Anonymous ID: 9b8a6e June 7, 2019, 11:37 a.m. No.6695018   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel's intelligence giant deployed to thwart Hezbollah


Iranian-backed terror group is attempting to build infrastructure for operations on Israel-Syria border, worrying Israelis who understand that while they are still in early stages, they pose a later threat.


Two serious incidents on the on the Golan Heights put an end to any hope that the Israeli-Syrian border will be return to the calm of the pre-civil war days, now that Bashar Assad's army has cemented its control, with the help of Russian President Vladimir Putin.,7340,L-5520714,00.html

Anonymous ID: 9b8a6e June 7, 2019, 11:38 a.m. No.6695027   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5199 >>5436 >>5547 >>5689

Unit of drugmaker Insys pleads guilty to U.S. opioid bribe scheme


A unit of Insys Therapeutics Inc pleaded guilty on Friday to fraud charges as part of an $225 million deal with the U.S. Justice Department resolving claims that the drugmaker bribed doctors to prescribe an addictive opioid medication.


The plea, in federal court in Boston by the Chandler, Arizona-based Insys’ operating subsidiary, came in one of the few criminal prosecutions to date of a corporation accused of helping fuel the nation’s deadly opioid epidemic.


The plea deal was announced on Wednesday, a month after a federal jury found wealthy Insys founder John Kapoor and four other former executives and managers guilty of engaging in a vast racketeering conspiracy.


Insys is facing growing financial pressures as a result of the U.S. probe and a decline in sales of its flagship fentanyl pain product, Subsys, which it has said could prompt the company to seek bankruptcy protection.


Beyond the plea by subsidiary Insys Pharma Inc, Insys has also entered into a five-year deferred prosecution agreement with the government and agreed to pay $30 million in the criminal case and $195 million to resolve civil claims.


U.S. District Judge Rya Zobel approved the parent company’s deferred prosecution agreement at Friday’s hearing and scheduled sentencing for the subsidiary for July 10.


Insys in a statement said it believes the deal is in its best interests. Kapoor and his co-defendants deny wrongdoing and are expected to appeal.


Subsys is an under-the-tongue spray the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved in 2012 only for treating pain in cancer patients. Its main ingredient, fentanyl, is an opioid 100 times stronger than morphine.


Prosecutors alleged that while Kapoor served as Insys’ chairman, the company from 2012 to 2015 paid doctors and other medical practitioners bribes in exchange for prescribing Subsys to their patients, often to those who did not have cancer.


Insys did so by paying medical practitioners to act as speakers at sham events ostensibly meant to educate clinicians about Subsys but that were often just social gatherings at high-priced restaurants with no real attendees.


Those practitioners include a former New Hampshire physician assistant, Christopher Clough, who prosecutors say received $44,000. Payments to Clough form the basis of the plea by the subsidiary to five counts of mail fraud.


Clough was sentenced on Monday to four years in prison after being convicted of accepting kickbacks from Insys. He plans to appeal.

Anonymous ID: 9b8a6e June 7, 2019, 11:40 a.m. No.6695042   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5091

In Florida, It is Now HIGHLY ILLEGAL to Say ‘Jews Control Hollywood’


Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida recently signed a bill which added ‘anti-Semitism’ to the list of outlawed forms of discrimination in Florida, equating it with other forms of racial discrimination, reported the Tallahassee Democrat.


The major problem many have with this bill is that the definition of Anti-semitism under this law includes everything from saying the “Jews control the media,” “Jews are more loyal to Israel than to America,” to many other questionable statements that are protected under the first amendment of the United States constitution. It is also now illegal to question the number of Jews who died in the Holocaust. No other genocide has this protection in the world.


Even though Christians are the most persecuted group of people throughout the world, for some reason DeSantis thought that signing a law that goes directly against the first amendment of the United States would be a good idea. DeSantis even signed the bill while visiting Israel, and then again in Florida upon returning from his trip.


Following the signing of the bill, many Christians have posed several important questions about this new law, namely that there are no laws against openly blaspheming Christianity or Jesus. There are also no laws against accusing all Catholics of being pedophiles and no broad words with blanket definitions like ‘Anti-semitism’ that protects Christians from the criticism they receive on a constant basis.


It is also not yet a hate crime to fly a pride flag outside Chick-fil-A, but what can you expect when Christians don’t have the powerful lobby to push for laws like this like Jews do with AIPAC. Many Christians are wondering if AIPAC money is behind this new law signed by DeSantis.


There are currently 26 states in America that have their own versions of antisemitism bills, and all of them go directly against the first amendment. Most of these laws prevent private businesses from boycotting the state of Israel, even though America was built on boycotts, but hey who actually cares about facts.


Outside of all of this, actors in Hollywood including Jewish actors have openly admitted that Jews are vastly overrepresented in Hollywood. From Adam Sandler to Nick Kroll and Marlon Brando, they all openly admit that Jews do in fact control Hollywood and Media.


It is not ILLEGAL to tell jokes rooted in truth likes these in Florida thanks to @GovRonDeSantis and his #Antisemitism bill


— Pat Buchanan Parody Account (@PatrickJamesBr4) June 3, 2019



It is now illegal in Florida to tell the truth about the start of Hollywood like this, thanks to @GovRonDeSantis – He HATES the constitution


— Pat Buchanan Parody Account (@PatrickJamesBr4) June 3, 2019



DeSantis’ broad definition of antisemitism even includes saying that some Jews are more loyal to the state of Israel than the country that they reside in.


The facts? Well that is the exact definition of Zionism according to Theodore Herzl the founder of Zionism. Herzl says that it is useless for a Jew to be loyal to the country that they reside in because Jews are ‘one people’ and their loyalty should only remain with Israel.


This was explained to the state department some time ago, seems like DeSantis did not get the message….


DeSantis' broad definition of antisemitism even includes saying that some Jews are more loyal to the state of Israel than the country that they reside in. Here are The facts @GovRonDeSantis – I hope you spend that AIPAC money wisely


— Pat Buchanan Parody Account (@PatrickJamesBr4) June 3, 2019



and even if we just scratch the surface of the names at the top of the companies that own the major media conglomerates, we find that DeSantis has also outlawed the truth, like it or not.


Here are just a few of the names of Jews at the top in media:

Anonymous ID: 9b8a6e June 7, 2019, 11:42 a.m. No.6695054   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“There has been no completely “natural” weather for decades.” — Oxford PhD-holder






It’s raining again where I’m located, and I decided to move today’s original blog to the honorable mention category, and do another blog about weather modification, which has been much on my mind lately. And it’s not just because the weather has been so freakish. On my trips outside, I’ve been watching watching cloud formations, and on clear days I have seen cirro-nimbus and cirrus clouds in rectilinear shapes, and on one occasion, they just stayed more or less stationary for several minutes. Today was another day of “weird” and in some cases “unnatural” looking clouds.


This is all qualitative and subjective evaluation, of course, but to a purpose: last week I interview in the members’ area of this website Elana Freeland, who wrote the book Under an Ionized Sky, which I regard as a kind of one-volume encyclopedia of weather modification technologies, their implications, and most importantly, their operational use for at least three decades. And, just for the record, I believe a case can be made for their operational use as early as the 1950s.


Either way, what that use means is that in effect there has been no completely “natural” weather for decades. Every system is either deliberately engineered and steered, or is blowback to some degree of such engineering, and hence even in that sense a product of it.


That is a very uncomfortable conclusion to come to, but it is nonetheless the implication of the development and use of such technologies. And, as I’ve noted in prior blogs about this subject, the technologies and their use throw the whole “climate change” narrative into a cocked hat, for if “climate change” is real and if it is man-made, then it is not John Q. Public on his farm, or in his car, or cooking on his barbie, that is producing it. It is the responsibility and culpability of those with the technology, power, and money to do so. Mr. Globaloney comes to mind, for as I’ve also argued in previous blogs about this topic, the creation of weather-based financial instruments is a clue that Mr. Globaloney has found yet another way to turn a profit on people’s misery. It’s called “disaster capitalism” and I’ve written about that too (See

In the process of those previous high octane speculations I’ve entertained the idea that weather modification could be carried out by state or non-state actors, and in that respect, R.B. sent along these two links, which triggered today’s last minute “shuffle” of blogs and today’s high octane speculation. The links, as you will see, are to a couple of corporate weather modification sites, one in Australia, and one in North Dakota:


The Australian corporation, under its “services” tab, offers “rainfall enhancement”, as does the North Dakota corporation. Both confirm that the simplest weather modification technology, cloud seeding, which has been around for some time, not only exists, but can be hired.

Anonymous ID: 9b8a6e June 7, 2019, 11:45 a.m. No.6695069   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Election? What Election? EU Elite Will Censor Their Way Out of This Mess (or Die Trying)


The neoliberal establishment is wringing its hands in the wake of European elections that proved a resounding victory for populist parties across the continent, casting around for someone to blame but utterly incapable of realizing their own interference has doomed them. Doubling down on the censorship, they are determined to provoke the catastrophe they need to make free speech history.


The NGO-industrial complex was operating at maximum capacity in the weeks leading up to the election, shutting down hundreds of Facebook pages deemed “fake” or “hate speech” in the hope of controlling the messages reaching voters before they made the terrible mistake of voting for a candidate who represents their interests.


Led by Avaaz, which claims to be a “global citizens’ movement monitoring election freedom and disinformation,” this well-heeled fifth column whipped the press into paranoid frenzies with reports like “Fakewatch,” which breathlessly documented 500 “suspicious” pages and groups it claims are “spreading massive disinformation.” The groups have little in common other than their alleged “link[s] to right-wing and anti-EU organizations,” a capital offense for the promoters of “democracy,” which can only be permitted where it doesn’t stray from the center-left path of most #Resistance.


“Far-right and anti-EU groups are weaponizing social media at scale to spread false and hateful content,” the study warns, gloating that after sharing its findings with Facebook, the platform shut down an “unprecedented” number of pages on the eve of the election (77 out of the 500, according to VentureBeat, which has credulously signal-boosted every utterance of Avaaz as if it is divine truth from the Oracle of Delphi). Avaaz’s reports frame the problem as an affliction of the right wing only, even though disinformation is second nature to political operatives at both ends of the spectrum (and, more importantly, in the sanctified center).


The Computational Propaganda Project, an Oxford-based research group, made no secret of its elitist leanings, declaiming, “On Facebook, while many more users interact with mainstream content overall, individual junk news stories can still hugely outperform even the best, most important, professionally produced stories,” as if users have no choice but to consume “professionally-produced” Oxford-approved material or wallow in junk content. And Facebook’s own statistics bear out the hypothesis that coordinated inauthentic behavior has surged – the site removed almost 3.4 billion “fake” accounts from October 2018 to March 2019, more than the number of actual users.

Anonymous ID: 9b8a6e June 7, 2019, 11:52 a.m. No.6695145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5199 >>5351 >>5436 >>5547 >>5689

Judicial Watch: FBI Docs Show Notes about Meeting with Intelligence Community Inspector General about Clinton Emails are ‘Missing’ and CD Containing Notes Is Likely ‘Damaged’ Irreparably


(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that the FBI released 277 pages of redacted records in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit that show the FBI failed to produce information from an August 2015 meeting with Intelligence Community Inspector General about Hillary Clinton’s email server. The FBI claimed that notes are “missing” and the CD containing notes from meeting is likely “damaged” irreparably.


The records, which were posted on the FBI’s website, are the 32nd release of documents in response to a Judicial Watch 2016 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:16-cv-02046). Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit after the Justice Department failed to comply with a July 7, 2016, FOIA request for:


All FD-302 forms prepared pursuant to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server during her tenure.

All records of communications between any agent, employee, or representative of the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding, concerning, or related to the aforementioned investigation. This request includes, but is not limited to, any related communications with any official, employee, or representative of the Department of Justice, the Executive Office of the President, the Democratic National Committee, and/or the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.


All records related to the meeting between Attorney General Lynch and former President Bill Clinton on June 27, 2016.


Included in the documents are February 2019 FBI electronic communications documenting the damaged CD and the missing notes from the August 3, 2015, meeting between FBI special agents and the ICIG about Clinton’s server:


For reference, Special Agents (SAs) [redacted] have been gathering and copying materials from the captioned case located in the Washington Field Office (WFO) CI-13 Workbox in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) tasking from Information Management Division (IMD; formerly known as Records Management Division).


On or about February 6, 2019, SAs [redacted] opened [redacted]-CYBER-1A27, which contained a CD with a crack on it (a damaged CD). SA [redacted] attempted to copy the damaged CD at the WFO Computer Analysis Response Team (CART) self-service area, but was not able to do so. SA [redacted] spoke with FBI information technology specialists on the ground floor of WFO regarding the damaged CD, who indicated it was unlikely the CD could be copied.

Anonymous ID: 9b8a6e June 7, 2019, 11:59 a.m. No.6695232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5242 >>5260 >>5278 >>5293

Dear Lord we seek protections for the children who have been delivered to EVIL and seek you intervene to protect them from these monsters. We pray that you rain judgement on the EVIL doers immediately so they cannot continue with these abominations!


Thank you Lord!



Anonymous ID: 9b8a6e June 7, 2019, 12:07 p.m. No.6695318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5339 >>5436 >>5547 >>5689

The Trust Project: Big Media and Silicon Valley’s Weaponized Algorithms Silence Dissent


Given the Trust Project’s rich-get-richer impact on the online news landscape, it is not surprising to find that it is funded by a confluence of tech oligarchs and powerful forces with a clear stake in controlling the flow of news.


After the failure of Newsguard — the news rating system backed by a cadre of prominent neoconservative personalities — to gain traction among American tech and social media companies, another organization has quietly stepped in to direct the news algorithms of tech giants such as Google, Facebook, and Microsoft.


Though different from Newsguard, this group, known as “The Trust Project,” has a similar goal of restoring “trust” in corporate, mainstream media outlets, relative to independent alternatives, by applying “trust indicators” to social-media news algorithms in a decidedly untransparent way. The funding of “The Trust Project” — coming largely from big tech companies like Google; government-connected tech oligarchs like Pierre Omidyar; and the Knight Foundation, a key Newsguard investor — suggests that an ulterior motive in its tireless promotion of “traditional” mainstream media outlets is to limit the success of dissenting alternatives.


Of particular importance is the fact that the Trust Project’s “trust indicators” are already being used to control what news is promoted and suppressed by top search engines like Google and Bing and massive social-media networks like Facebook. Though the descriptions of these “trust indicators” — eight of which are currently in use — are publicly available, the way they are being used by major tech and social media companies is not.


The Trust Project’s goal is to increase public trust in the very same traditional media outlets that Newsguard favored and to use HTML-embedded codes in favored news articles to promote their content at the expense of independent alternatives. Even if its effort to promote “trust” in establishment media fail, its embedded-code hidden within participating news sites allow those establishment outlets to skirt the same algorithms currently targeting their independent competition, making such issues of “trust” largely irrelevant as it moves to homogenize the online media landscape in favor of mainstream media.


The Trust Project’s director, Sally Lehrman, made it clear that, in her view, the lack of public trust in mainstream media and its declining readership is the result of unwanted “competition by principle-free enterprises [that] further undermines its [journalism’s] very role and purpose as an engine for democracy.”



Anonymous ID: 9b8a6e June 7, 2019, 12:10 p.m. No.6695339   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5436 >>5547 >>5689



as saying that Google News uses the indicators “to assess the relative authoritativeness of news organizations and authors. We’re looking forward to developing new ways to use the indicators.”


Notably, the machine-readable version of these Trust Indicators is available only to participating institutions, which are currently corporate, mainstream publications. Though WordPress and Drupal plug-ins are being developed to make those embedded signals to search engines and social media available to smaller publishers, it will be made available only to “qualified publishers,” a determination that will presumably be made by the Trust Project and its associates.


Richard Gingras, in a statement made in 2017, noted that “the indicators can help our algorithms better understand authoritative journalism — and help us to better surface it to consumers.” Thus, it is abundantly clear that these indicators, which are embedded only into “qualified” and “authoritative” news websites, will be used to slant search-engine and social-media news algorithms in favor of establishment news websites.


The bottom line is that these embedded and exclusive indicators allow certain news outlets to avoid the crushing effects of recent algorithm changes that have seen traffic to many news websites, including MintPress, plummet in recent years. This is leading towards a homogenization of the online news landscape by starving independent competitors of web traffic while Trust Project-approved outlets are given an escape valve through algorithm manipulation.


Cont from images:

Given the fact that the Trust Project shares with the ADL a key funder (Pierre Omidyar) and several external tech partners, it remains to be seen whether there is overlap between how major tech companies like Google and Facebook use the Trust Indicators in its algorithms and the influence of the ADL on those very same algorithms.


Outsourcing censorship


Of course, the most interesting and troubling donors of the Trust Project are Google and Facebook, both of which are using the very project they fund as a “third party” to justify their manipulation of newsfeed and search-engine algorithms. Google’s intimate involvement from the very inception of the Trust Project tags it as an extension of Google that has since been marketed as an “independent” organization tasked with justifying algorithm changes that favor certain news outlets over others.


Facebook, similarly, funds the Trust Project and also employs the “trust indicators” it funds to alter its newsfeed algorithm. Facebook’s other partners in altering this algorithm include the Atlantic Council — funded by the U.S. government, NATO, and weapons manufacturers, among others — and Facebook has also directly teamed up with foreign governments, such as the government of Israel, to suppress accurate yet dissenting information that the government in question wanted removed from the social-media platform.


The murkiness between “private” censorship, censorship by tech oligarchs, and censorship by government is particularly marked in the Trust Project. The private financiers of the Trust Project that also use its product to promote certain news content over others — namely Google and Facebook — have ties to the U.S. government, with Google being a government contractor and Facebook sporting a growing body of former-government officials in top company positions, including a co-author of the controversial Patriot Act as the company’s general counsel.


A similar tangle surrounds Pierre Omidyar, funder of the Trust Project through the Democracy Fund, who is extremely well-connected to the U.S. government, especially the military-industrial complex and intelligence communities. And partnering with media outlets like the Washington Post, whose owner is Jeff Bezos, spawns more conflicts of interests, given that Bezos’ company, Amazon, is also a major U.S. government contractor.


This growing nexus binding Silicon Valley companies and oligarchs, mainstream media outlets and the government suggests that these entities have increasingly similar and complementary interests, among which is the censorship of independent watchdog journalists and news outlets that seek to challenge their power and narratives.


The Trust Project was created as a way of outsourcing censorship of independent news sites while attempting to salvage the tattered reputation of mainstream media outlets and return the U.S. and international media landscape to years past when such outlets were able to dominate the narrative.





Anonymous ID: 9b8a6e June 7, 2019, 12:16 p.m. No.6695407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5436 >>5547 >>5689

Damascus Accuses Hamas Of Supporting Terrorism In Syria


Syria has rejected several news reports claiming that the Damascus government is about to reconcile with the Palestinian Hamas Movement.


A media source told the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) on June 7 that all the reports regarding the return of any relations with Hamas are “baseless” and mere “rumors.”


“The stance of Syria on this issue is principled,” the source said, adding: ”This stance, in the past, was built on the fact that Hamas was a resistance movement against ‘Israel’, but, later it became clear that it is the blood of Muslim Brotherhood that dominates this movement when it supported the terrorists in Syria and engaged in the scheme that Israel wanted.”


The source also stressed that all the news circulated will never change Syria’s attitude towards “those who have been rejected by the Syrian people” since the beginning of the war.


Syria was one of the main backers of the Hamas Movement up until the outbreak of the war in late 2011, when the Palestinian group supported the radical wing of the opposition. Damascus had accused the group of training local militants on urban warfare.


The rumors of a possible reconciliation between Damascus and Hamas were first sparked by a report released by Al-Monitor on April 3. Later, many officials in Hamas made positive statement embracing Damascus, which led to more claims of possible reconciliation, most recently by Lebanon’s al-Akhbar newspaper.


The SANA report indicates that Damascus is not seeking to re-establish any relations with the Palestinian group right now.

Anonymous ID: 9b8a6e June 7, 2019, 12:18 p.m. No.6695433   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Syrian Army Repels Terrorist Attack, 140 Estimated Dead - Russian MoD


According to the Russian centre for Syrian reconciliation, militants launched an offensive on 6-7 June in Hama province.


Syrian Army Repels HTS-led Attack, Recaptures Village And Kills Many Terrorists (Photos, Map)


The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) repelled terrorists’ attack on the towns of al-Hamameyat and Kernaz, which had been launched by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its Turkish-backed allies in the morning of June 7.


According to pro-government sources, the SAA destroyed two suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (SVBIEDs) during the clashes in northern Hama. The army also killed several terrorists and captured others

Anonymous ID: 9b8a6e June 7, 2019, 12:22 p.m. No.6695469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5547 >>5689

Alabama Legislature Bans ‘Free Speech Zones’ On College Campuses


In a victory for the First Amendment on campus, a bill that will effectively ban “free speech zones” on Alabama college campuses passed last week.


According to a report by a local news outlet, the Alabama state legislature voted in favor of a bill that will ban “free speech zones” on college campuses in the state. In recent years, many colleges have restricted the areas on campus where free expression is permitted by creating “free speech zones,” which are areas on campus where students are supposed to go when they want to engage in free speech. Breitbart News has reported extensively on the topic. Recently, courts around the country have begun to strike down these policies as a violation of the First Amendment.


Senate Majority Leader Greg Reed (R) told reporters that this bill was one of his top priorities for the year. “Protecting free speech on college campuses is a top priority for Republicans in the State Senate, and I am glad we could get this important bill across the finish line,” Reed explained. “What this bill does is protect the free exchange of ideas on the campuses of taxpayer-funded, public universities. Nothing is more important than safeguarding the First Amendment.”


Remarkably, the bill had overwhelming bipartisan support. State Senator Billy Beasley, a Democrat, said that all college students deserve the right to express themselves freely. “I’ve always believed in freedom of speech in the United States and certainly in the state of Alabama. On college campuses – two-year and four-year colleges – everyone has a right to their freedom of expression,” Beasley argued. “There have been occasions since I have been in the Senate when I have voted with the majority party if I thought the issue was representative of the people in my district or in the best interest of the state of Alabama.”


The bill was written by Republican State Representative Matt Fridy. In a comment to the Yellowhammer, Fridy highlighted the fact that pro-life student groups are often censored on their college campuses. Stories of this kind of censorship served as an impetus for his writing of the bill.


“Free speech is the cornerstone of our rights as American citizens — and those First Amendment rights certainly apply to college students on university campuses. Around the country, there have been chilling examples where administrators and professors have discriminated against students,” Fridy stated. “Often, pro-life groups and conservative political organizations are targeted. With this law, we are making it very clear that in Alabama, the First Amendment rights of all students, liberal or conservative, will be protected from unfair and discriminatory university speech policies.”


Stay tuned to Breitbart News for more campus updates.

Anonymous ID: 9b8a6e June 7, 2019, 12:23 p.m. No.6695488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5512 >>5547 >>5628 >>5689

Mexico Withholds Identities of Migrant Caravan Funders in U.S., Britain


Mexican authorities are not releasing the names of the 26 individuals and entities whose assets were frozen as part of a new probe into migrant caravans and cartel-linked human smuggling organizations. The investigation was moved into high gear this week as tensions between the U.S. and Mexico escalated over tariff threats as a punitive measure for lax immigration enforcement.


On Thursday, Mexico’s Finance and Tax Secretariat (SHCP) announced the seizure of 26 accounts, including some from the United Kingdom and the U.S., which allegedly helped fund the northbound migrant caravans largely from Central America. Diplomatic sources consulted by Breitbart News revealed the probe is personally led by UIF Director Santiago Nieto Castillo, who directly briefs Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.


The SHCP’s Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) tracked suspicious transactions beginning in October 2018 to determine the sources of funding for the caravans. The results reportedly pointed to some monies coming from the U.S., U.K., African nations, and throughout Central America. Diplomatic sources revealed the investigation is still developing since the case was prioritized Monday as tensions over tariffs escalated.


The freezes came at the same time Mexican authorities arrested two primary organizers of the caravans who allegedly maintain ties to the U.S.-based Pueblo Sin Fronteras. Mexican authorities claim the organizers would demand money from some migrants seeking to illegally enter the U.S.


Law enforcement sources revealed to Breitbart News that the UIF investigation found four sanctioned accounts linked to human smuggling groups loyal to cartels in border cities. Two accounts were traced to Piedras Negras with links to the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas and an independent smuggler in that area. Two other accounts exhibit ties to Gulf Cartel operators in Reynosa, Tamaulipas.

Anonymous ID: 9b8a6e June 7, 2019, 12:25 p.m. No.6695517   🗄️.is 🔗kun

=Hundreds of Illegal Aliens From Ebola-Stricken Congo Dumped in the Streets of San Antonio


Hundreds of illegal aliens from ebola-stricken Democratic Republic of Congo were dumped in the streets of San Antonio, Texas this week.


The aliens didn’t speak English and according to a local reporter, San Antonio is in desperate need for French speaking volunteers.


“City confirms hundreds of migrants from the Congo have arrived in SA. The city is in desperate need for French speaking volunteers,” reported Jaleesa Irizarry of Kens 5 San Antonio.


Large groups of illegal aliens from Angola, Cameroon and Ebola-stricken Congo were caught wading across the Rio Grande into the United States earlier this week.


How did they get to Mexico? Who’s funding these groups of Africans??


The video shows men, women and children crossing the river in the dead of the night.


Border Patrol announced they apprehended 116 invaders from Africa on Thursday.


“Agents have encountered 182 large groups (100+ individuals) across the SW border this fiscal year. This is the first large group apprehended in Del Rio Sector this FY and the first large group apprehended on the SW border this FY consisting entirely of African nationals,” CBP said in a statement.


Another large group of African invaders were apprehended by Border Patrol this week and subsequently released into the streets of San Antonio and will be notified of a hearing.

