Anonymous ID: 60a136 June 7, 2019, 1:28 p.m. No.6696066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6082

Thank you Vote Vote Vote 2020 guy or girl. Every bit of this…every thing on this list is tenuous. Every one of them could easily be reversed because the actual enemies of our freedoms are STILL FREE!!! Censorship is growing stronger. Nitwit Q patriots are being exposed continuously. Millions and millions STILL follow celebrities and gossip. 100,000+ sealed indictments according to a single website. No sign of balls anywhere. Muh optics. Pathetic!


If this movement began as a Vote Vote Vote effort, that would certainly leave little reason to be ungrateful. But this didn't start as a Vote Vote Vote effort. It started as a warning to prepare for military intervention, days of darkness, martial law, arrests of beyond imaginable vile criminals in high places who are the very reason for so much of our collective current and past suffering. Months and months of more and more criminal shit exposed and piled on top of one another, amplifying an even greater need and expectation for justice, with only carrot on a stick offers of pending (insert your choice of declas, arrests, something, anything)… and nothing.


Coming soon: My sentiments to shove your muh Vote Vote Vote up your coward ass.