I spend 1/100th of the time here that I used to……used to love to read the bread…………..but the moo joos, whether true-blue 'gutter-crawlers, soldiers from the media matter's 'Brennan & Brock butt-brigade' or from the alpha agencies paid to disrupt' ….. have finally turned this place to shit.
A massive rebuilding is in order. I spend more time coffee-lining the bread than reading it. The real digs are happening elsewhere, but I won't tip my hat the agents of division. It's still too powerful a venue. You can learn a days shit in one hour:
Like you use to be able to do here!
Honestly, I believe it's as embarrassing for Q team. Patriots need to clean house and make this shit respectable again.
As I said earlier today… "the weeds have killed the grass!"
Unfortunately, the 'Space Force' might have to wait. We need 'Moo Joo Weed Whacker Force' at present! Shills………save it. Sorry to hurt muh feelings. Can't we just be friends?