>>6696455 lb
>Q let us waste countless thousands of hours on an endless array of rabbit holes.
I just wonder…maybe you have too. Ever wondered if all those unacknowledged diggs might have resulted in SOME or a few angles of discovery for whitehats who have tons of open source, absolute noise to sift throught. And what if …..some crazy theory that was ignored here, denotabled because it wasn’t in proper format, and subsequently scorned as some shill dig, might have given our watchers an “ah hah” moment. And what if they could never tell you how you might have helped those who watch?
That’s why I am leary of “GatekeeperAnons” who take much time to stoop to conquer” some other anon’s crazy theory.
Anons please do not be stifled. What if an anon were one stupid question from getting a “dot” connected. Ask have you been that supportive Anon who helped, or were you a raving bitch on these breads? Yes we should do better with “sauce” but sometimes it’s just anons bouncing things off one another, in a convo that is on-and-off about a digg that may have not panned out and maybe never will, FOR US.
As for GatekeeperAnons who accuse some anons of being engaged in shill diggs and telling everyone basically to stay away from that rabbit hole: ask yourselves this: If it is AT ALL possible that there might be SOMETHING or SOMEWHERE that people might not want us to look, then we should not discourage anyone in any real conversation where people are trying to ask questions and share possible angles of looking at something.
The greater harm is done by gatekeeper anons trying to silence others than by leaving alone anons who posts what may seem a weak contribution to a digg.
‘Nuf said.
Carry on Anons.