does a shill want filter or replay
does a shill make sense
free speech on a free board w filter option
does a shill want filter or replay
does a shill make sense
free speech on a free board w filter option
do shills ask stupid questions slide
Newbies, learn to filter
filter for comfy bread or battle the shills
free speech w a filter option
does a shill want filter or reply
nice1, thank you
"Happy birthday to a great American. @vp Pence thanks for the friendship and all that you do for this incredible country. #happybirthday #birthday"
i still prefer just 'ID', NOT 'ID+', as not to accidentally filter Anons
"Mid April 2016 Australian wanna be honeypot, Erica Thompson, starts to make contact and tries to seduce me (too ugly). Late April CIA asset, Joseph Mifsud, drops the fake Russia info in my lap. May 10, Alexander Downer and wannabe honeypot spy and record my conversation. Declass!"
>tries to seduce me (too ugly)