Dear veganfags.
Professor veggie is not a dietitian nor a doctor.
Meat doesn’t cause cancer (or global warming). Hormones found in crap meat help cancerous cells metastasis. Antibiotics often found in meat is not good for your digestion and general immune system. GMO’s found in conventional veggies and 99% of processed foods contain glysophate, known to cause cancer as well as infertility in rats. Any soy or corn products almost guaranteed to have GMO’s these days.
Eat Clean. Clean meat, organic veggies. Low to the ground. That’s your best bet. Knock out the processed foods and cheap meat.
Deprive yourself of an entire food group and you’re unbalanced. No one I know can eat quinoa day in and day out without suffering from boredom and/or depression.
Post a photo of an emotionally stable vegan woman to prove me wrong…not going to happen.