Bruce Ohr
Bruce seems like a pretty sharp guy. His wife is tasked by Brennan to work for Fusion GPS. Bruce is the conduit between the FBI and Fusion/CIA/Steel and knows what is going on. But he is smart enough to CYA and not let his “lovely” wife or himself be used by Brennan, Comey, and McCabe. So Bruce sends memos and emails all over the FBI telling everyone that Steel and the dossier is sketchy. He discloses all his wifes contacts. He discloses all of his own contacts. He testifies honestly to the IG and Congress. “Hey, why should I lie, I disclosed everything in emails and memos telling everyone that Steele and the dossier is sketchy. All I did was pass the info along. And sure I told everyone that my wife worked at Fusion. Check the form I filled out. Its all there. I did not hide a damn thing” This cat played it cool. He passed on the dossier and kept a paper trail to save his own a$$. He aint going down for this!