Newbies, learn to filter
recognize Anons/shills
Newbies, learn to filter
recognize Anons/shills
Newbies, learn to filter
shills hate filter
i think i heard hrc was never sworn in/under oath
dang you Anons
information overload
i can't keep up kek
Thank you Anons
filters for who
speaking at security conference kek
what idiot hired her for that
sounds like moving money
weak, try harder
>this should make them think twice before feeding the shills.
'i know exactly what you mean'
choice is ours
i try to watch out for Newbies
they are the future
benefits still out weigh imo
i still use 'ID', NOT 'ID+'
"Their meetings are overly emotional" kek
>for God's sake, don't tell them I said this!
don't worry, your secret is safe on the Internet
Newbies forget you read this kek
Love (you) Anon(s)
Nunes kek
"Probably should have got 2X His salary since he was both a prosecutor for DOJ and handling sources for FBI. Sounds like US tax payers got one hell of a bargainโฆ"
Newbies, learn to Meme
be careful predictions, rumors, lying shills
Newbies, learn to digg
Boomers, Newbies, Japanese, Fins, etc = Anons
together = win
"No tariffs on Mexico. Mexico came through"
the old stupid me would say that's impossible
these days anything is possible
evidence and research
overcome fake news
train the Newbies
help the Normies
together = win