We found out these people fuck goats 🐐
We found out ASSange is dead from butt fisting after they cannibalized their own gestapi super soldiers (25k named 'julian' see fallout 1,2,3,4)
We discovered South Park , mr rogers neighborhood, and even the muppets and Sesame Street were sending us coded messages over the decades.
We found out rosenstein used to be himler and actually wrestled ASSange with each bearing their ass ferrets for quantitative easement 3,4 economics
We found out Epstein island was a shitty cult island for pedovores like Sardinia
We found out Silverstein was told to 'pull it' on wtc building 7 by firefighters while 120 dump trucks rented from Vanderbilts by the bush family under the name 'Hans gruber' stole tons of gold which got kiked by comex.