Biden caved to the left on his core belief system that he felt babies in the womb were living beings.
Biden cave like he has no spine.
Meme Biden without a spine.
Biden caved to the left on his core belief system that he felt babies in the womb were living beings.
Biden cave like he has no spine.
Meme Biden without a spine.
Biden has stood for this point for years and caves within 1 day?
Opps Joe I found your spine it is way over here.
Hey Joe
Stand up
opps you can't you have no spine to stand up with
ohh great that is what I want for president.
no excuses
I like a President that would have stopped WW!! before it became D - Day.
di the IQ just drop 40 points wtf?
Joe was given more than your friend and had better connections. Joe was made from the beginning and can barely remember it. No wait that is all he remembers.
define what the picture is.
wow a huge surge of nothing.
why the hell is most red
dude I am not just spiro.
What so you think about the Biden spineless switch? What do you think about that they will now push him to abortion after birth?
Biden has shown he will stand for nothing.
At least AC will stand I respect her more than Biden.
aoc has 100 times the spine than him and her ideas are insane
Biden is a an invertebrate slug that has no backbone to stand for his convictions
that is very basic now.
Over 1 billion to his son from china he is as much a traitor or more than HRC.