This will be the third or fourth (very strongly suspected) posted "proof" that POTUS sees every single dotted i by anons on here. Anons, check YOUR Timestamps and words with POTUS’ messages AMAP!
At 17:38:47 on May 28, a “proof” was posted (a digit blurred out due to superstition with a certain three-number combo.)
Pic 1 (file 6555702…) is zoomed-in images from the post.
2nd pic is the entire May 28 post;
Then POTUS’ twt today.
Took a few to convince that it was more than Synchronicity going on.
Now what are the odds of — not just the timestamp and Mars (“of which the Moon is a part”) — but also the exact phrases? And for good measure, the “NOT”?
Just as an aside: This would strike an extra chord with anyone remotely familiar with the truth regarding “Science” Diet — owned by, of course, GUESS which global conglomerate? Reckon that would wake up those who are so Anti-POTUS that they’d cheer for the Treason & Spying.
This is one of quite a few now. Sick loved-one, so can’t see straight or sleep, but who knows HOW many have been missed! Can’t be the only one noticing these!
How many of your posts have correlated with POTUS’ messages & timestamps? DRUM any such messages like hell because there is SO much that POTUS & Q-Team cannot say out loud due to ALL of corrupt MSM/Entertainment/Conglomerate fraudulent advertisers, ETC. controlling & melting their brains.