Okay Q,
I’ll start..
Red Castle
Green Castle
White Castle Burgers
Hillary going down
Brennan crapping his pants
Comey clinically Insane
Take it from here….
Okay Q,
I’ll start..
Red Castle
Green Castle
White Castle Burgers
Hillary going down
Brennan crapping his pants
Comey clinically Insane
Take it from here….
>I no longer question
>Why Hitler was Führer .
I no longer question
that Hillary Is the Führer and still Reigning.
You need to watch more MSM.
Islam is the “Religion of Peace”
They say a prayer before every Rape and Beheading. Yez
Just stick to Facts
Nailed it
What your missing is Silver is the most Stable metal and will be easier to trade as Cash.
I staged 100 False Flags Shootings
Signed 103 EO’s
Abolished the Smith-Munz Act
Are you Crackers still have your Guns.
Ps: Mike is Real