How can a person be pardoned for a crime or crimes s/he has not been convicted of committing?
Oh, wait. Gerald Ford pardoned Richard Nixon even though he had not been impeached or convicted by the Senate, or charged with any crime.
Wish I could remember more.
I need to do some digging to assure my memory is correct.
Well, he is old. That accounts for some shrinkage. Kek.
I'll have to watch that later.
People have tried since the beginning of time to make sense of the universe, the world, and our place in it.
God may or may not exist, there may or may not be a savior, etc. Assuming there is a god, it is a hindu god, a muslim god, or a jewish-christian god?
My personal opinion is that there is a god, but not in the sense of one who is actively involved. There is no messiah. There is only good and evil and shades of each. We are comprised of both.
This life is all we have.
Did I say that because of this life is all we have that we should do whatever the fuck we want?
I did not.
On the contrary, I believe we should spend this life on good deeds and being good moral beings.
That is your opinion.
But, who says the colors are black and white?
If I am wrong, do you suppose God would forgive for using the brain I was given?
And, yes I made a very conscious decision to reject the Jewish-Christian belief in the beginning and essense of life. I rejected the idea of a messiah.
I do not share that belief.
No one cares if he is a bottom or top. Why do you?
No, anon. It is not. At least not to me because what you are saying is that we need to be saved from ourselves. If God made us the way we are, why would we need to be saved?
Please do not come back with Adam and Eve. I especially do not buy that parable at all.
Kek. I don't watch often. I think I can handle 60 minutes.
Never could stand Stern. Low brow and juvenile.
I guess he's funny if you're a 14 year old boy.
I guess we will find out at our individual ends. Maybe I'll see you, maybe I won't.
Good luck to you either way.
If it is abolished it needs to be replaced with something that is truly there for the welfare of children.
I'm mobile fagging, so can't help you there.
But, it's not right.