There's a fountain flowing for the soul unclean…and there's still time.
>When the field of language is chaotic and people are speaking freely, the noise and shape it creates in the kike mind fucks their brain.
>This life is all we have.
That is satanist dogma. I don't care if you believe me or not…I already know I'm right.
>Did I say that because of this life is all we have that we should do whatever the fuck we want?
Did you miss the part where I said I don't care?
You are promoting satanist dogma.
I know it. YOU know it. And now Anon knows it.
>1 John oops you must of forgot back in the Gospel of John if you have seen Jesus you have seen the Father for they are one.
This must be REALLY difficult for you.
I can't MAKE you understand…but then again, my gut tells me you ALREADY understand, but you have no idea how to win.
All you can do is try to create confusion.
That might work on Twitter or Fakebook, but this is INFINITEChan…INFINITE…as in "something you'll never REALLY understand."
<or maybe you will…there's always hope
>Humanity is high love
Still satanist dogma.
I must drive you absolutely nuts that you can't defeat autism.
<tough shit
fuckin' queers