Vaccines contain heavy metals such as aluminum and mercury. I would not be surprised if our vaccine "schedule" is causing many cases of epilepsy and seizures in children. Pharmaceutical companies can make a lot of money selling mandated vaccines which cause serious disabilities and autoimmune conditions and then make even MORE money selling us "treatments". Why did they raise the price of an obscure seizure med? Because they KNOW their will be increasing demand as long as vaccines are mandated.
This whole subject is very interesting. Liberty is not a ship (or a statue) but I find it compelling that an attack was made on "Liberty" and it did not sink! (Prophetic for today?) 52 years ago seems interesting, too.
Anons have posted a picture of the US with the paths of the eclipses superimposed (2017 and seven years later in 2024). The intersection is approximately at Cairo, IL. Seeing Cairo mentioned in the story about the USS Liberty got me thinking about this again.
Liberty did not sink! But the harm was grave. Furthermore, I am far from the first person to question the similarity between Cairo and Chi Rho the early Christian symbol.
Liberty did not sink and Cairo was not bombed!
Btw, have anons considered what the chances are to have the coincidence of two eclipses, 7 years apart crossing over Cairo (Chi rho, symbol of Christianity and the cross)?!
Liberty survived and Cairo was not bombed (destroyed).
Is the Dominican Republic significant to the cabal? Would they want to scare Americans off? Tucker Carlson says Fox will be sending people and he interviewed a guest (FBI) who says the FBI can begin an investigation due to Americans having died.
Is something being set up with Fox in order to expose some dark things going on in the Dominican Republic which is on the same island as HAITI?
Remember Q drop about the African Americans rejecting HRC and the Democrats when they find out about HAITI.
The Clintons have been "selling" children for a very long time. I recommend the site "" for a lot of sauce on how the CPS system is actually a massive child trafficking organization and how Federal money feeds the beast (already described in your post).
The cognitive dissonance for nurses, doctors, social workers and the like will nearly kill them when they realize that they have partaken in the destruction of lives they were supposed to protect, if they can get past the denial at all. Needless to say, CPS needs to be abolished. It is 100% destructive.
This problem is very widespread. False evidence used to imprison people or in this case strip them of their children. Poorly trained lab workers and corruption are to blame, I think, plus understaffing among those needed to test evidence.
No need to replace. Just think about it. We have laws that make it criminal to assault or commit sexual abuse. Lets say a parent is accused of some form of child abuse. Is the child removed from their home? No. If anyone leaves the home its the criminal, not the victim! In America under our Constitution, if you are accused of a crime you are tried and subject to legal consequences. In the current paradigm we are punishing the innocent children for adult misdeeds. The whole family court BS system needs to go, it is not constitutional.
Btw, substantiated abuse by biological parents is pretty uncommon. Much of the child snatching is done for the profit of the state. Its almost never for the well-being of the child.
Why does the DS want to break up families? Children ARE more likely to be abused by non-biologic adults in the home. Remember the pedophile who ran for public office. He explained that pedophiles could gain legal access to children for sexual purposes by becoming foster parents!