re Clinton/Nader pic in Dominican Republic
One of the 10 Richest people in DR is Gustavo Cisneros.
He donated $1M to Clinton Foundation.
Cisneros is a media mogul, educated in the US. Both He and his wife, Patricia have major ties to art and art museums in the US.
They travel all over the world looking for treasures. They have philanthropic ties to children's charities and to Haiti.
He was a huge supporter of Chavez in Venezuela.
I am just wondering if perhaps he wasn't entertaining the Clinton in the DR. He sure sounds like a clown asset….his wife, too.
Here is a list of his associations
Americas Society, Chairman’s International Advisory Council
Babson College, Board of Overseers
Barrick Gold Corporation, Board of Directors; Member, International Advisory Board and Compensation Committee; Chair, Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
Cardinal Cisneros Foundation, Board of Trustees
Council for the Atlantic Institute of Government, Member
Global Information Infrastructure Commission (GIIC), Commissioner[46]
Haiti’s Presidential Advisory Council on Economic Growth and Investment
Harvard University, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Advisory Committee
Ibero-American Council for Productivity and Competitiveness, Member[8]
International Center for Economic Growth, Board of Overseers
Rockefeller University, University Council, Member
RRE Ventures LLC, Senior Advisor
United Nations Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Task Force, Charter Member
Past affiliations
All-American Bottling Corporation, Chairman of the Board
Chase Manhattan Bank, International Advisory Committee
DirecTV, Executive Committee
Georgetown University, Board of Trustees and the Latin American Board
Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst, Latin America Strategy Board of Directors
Museum of Modern Art, Chairman’s Council
Panama Canal Authority, Board Member
Panamerican Beverages, Inc., Board Member
Power Corporation of Canada, Advisory Council
Pueblo International, LLC, Board Member
Queen Sofia Spanish Institute, Board of Directors
The Nature Conservancy, Latin America Conservation Council
United Nations Association of the United States, Member
Univision Communications, Board Member
World Economic Forum, Board of Governors for the Media, Communications and Entertainment Industries