Not sure if this is what you wanna hear but maybe someone needs to hear this.
What If all Religions worshiped the same God (God the Father & his only son Jesus) and the division was satans doing since the beginning?
God looked down on Earth one day and saw how bad and misguided people where and sent the flood & wanted to rid the world of the Nephilims and evil.
So he then let Noah and his wife start over and promised to never destroy the Earth again with a great flood and years passed and population grew and satan once again creeped back into peoples ears
and deceived people by creating different religious beliefs about sacrificing to different deities (which were actually demons/nephilims) in the human form through evil acts & sacrifice
It got so bad again and God saw satans plan to retake Earth. So he wanted to remind people of his love for us and the purpose he had for us in the beginning.
(Instead of flooding the earth a 2nd time which he promised he wouldn't)
He then displayed the ultimate sacrifice of Love for us by bringing his only son Jesus to Earth to pay for our present/future sins
for those on Earth & for those not yet born and to show us the light & leave us with a tool to use against evil…The Holy Spirit…
And while he was here the creation of Gods Word (Bible) was created through his own words. To put his own hands on it to make sure it wasn't corrupted by satan & to recruit protectors over it for future Gens.
The 12 disciples didn't live in big palaces they were not rich people. They were ordinary people with each a different problem but they cared about what they did have & held it dearly.
They were actually fishermen. They all knew patience very well. They were fishers of men for Jesus. Literally, they spread Gods word about the Truth of the world.
Deuteronomy 18:18 Moses knew God was going to send Jesus instead of another flood LONG before Jesus was born. God told him so.
But overall this would explain why Jesus was the only one to say out of all religious prophets "I am the way, the truth, and the life!" Jesus answered. "Without me, no one can go to the Father."- John14:6
Jesus was the only one to be torn down and beaten by a mob & crucified terribly (killed) for saying this.
And at the end of it all Jesus was the only one to give his life for the the good people of the world & even the bad people in the world. So that we may have a chance at everlasting life in Heaven.
The main lesson the Bible tells me is. Do for others more than you do for yourself. Have Faith, Hope & Love for all.
Be Good not evil. You have a choice no matter how dark the hole you're in. There's always a choice.. God says that it wont be easy. But I ask you is there anything in this world worth having that's easy to get?
No one is without sin. All sin is the same to God because it's just that..Sin.. but without sin we would not be able to have free choice & isn't that ultimate love & freedom? (The Dove & Crow)
We all make mistakes but at the end of the day if we are truthful to ourselves & repent to God. The sin is washed away.
But that is not open to interpretation every action has a consequence & those who are truly evil will feel Gods wrath.