She gives interviews as often as POTUS drinks liquor.
Sikhism exhorts its adherents to use critical thinking and to carry a weapon so they can protect the innocent (usually in the form of a dagger called a kirpan). They may or may not be vegetarians, though it's encouraged. I think of them as the Buddhist version of Hindus. Have never met even one sikh that was not a cool guy.
That slut could swallow a golf ball through a drinking straw.
Just not in Californiaโstraws are illegal there, and Kamala Harris does not ever break laws. No sir-ee.
Fuck off, you bread-shitting nigger shill, why don't you go open your wrists in the bathroom and use the blood to write a poem about how you've wasted your life shilling before you black out. Dumb fuck. Sick of you niggers.
>I'm the shill.
>You funny.
Holy shit, are your nigger lips still flapping? Try to inflate them all the way next time, that should could down on the wind pushing them all over the place while you run at maximum speed to suck Michelle Obama's cock.
>Glow'in is fun eh?
Do you know how much time I have to spend pinching these cheeks to get them to glow like this? It's not easy, anon.
Do you think they have a full set of teeth (or immunizations) amongst the entire train?
Ethically speaking, why can't we napalm these caravans? It's not like the USA hasn't done worse and laughed while smoking cigars. I'm tired of this bullshit.
Possible. I don't know who she is, and it's a picture I got here. Have a (butt).
>ends catch and release
I'll believe it when I see it; and if it happens, holy shit, finally. But at this point, fixing the border is not enough. We need a mass deportation the likes of which the world has never seen. I want every single employee of every single Soros NGO screaming at the top of their lungs about the marvelous spectacle of fascism as entire families of border-jumpers are packed into planes, trains, buses, and semi-trailer trucks and shoved back wherever the fuck they came from, with all their property impounded and used to help offset the cost of enforcing our immigration laws. Get rid of ALL of them. The Dreamers can go back to Mexico and dream of what things would be like if their parents hadn't broken our laws and jumped the fence!
> sorry , but the turban pretty much screams Jihadi Goat Fucker in America now
You're not wrong, but do Muslims even wear turbans? Probably a stupid question, but I'm used to seeing that worn by Hindus and Sikhs, with muslims wearing that fucking dish towel with the red checkered print.
>Cant wait to see how this plays out but right now I would say its the ex judge husband-
>going thru messy divorce
>arguing over assets
Hmmmmmm nah. She was investigating a pedophile ring in the AK government. Sure, domestic violence occurs, especially when divorce is involved, but Occam's razor tells me she was digging where people didn't want her digging and they buried her for it.
People used to build cast iron and steel tools that last 150 years with proper care. Now everything is intentionally engineered to fail, with no user-serviceable parts and warnings and warranties telling you not to try to fix it or you'll face consequences
I blame the Jews, personally.
It's a provocation. (((They))) want some parent to stomp these trannies' guts out so they can push for more hate crime laws.
>brother you guys on here need to just ban the ass hole.
That's not how a free speech board works. The desire to silence and restrict the speech of others is a leftist trait; try and move away from that. You have a lot of other options for dealing with speech you don't like.