Latest maga coalition…careful who you follow…
Lots on ALEC out there..not sure where to start my dig…some q?s
Was senator from GA (cannot recall some southern state) also a member?
Who funds ALEC
Who is on the BOD/however they make decisions
KOCH bros look to be big funders
AR Senator was State Chair
ALEC will tie more to never trumpers and conservative CHOADs and FUCKSTICKs…
REEKS of fuckery..just sayin'
+1…shill tariff!
Pics are of board members…would start with the attorney if helping…
Text is from the NPR article
The American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, has been around since 1973.
Even if you're not sure what it does, chances are you've been impacted by laws it's helped pass at the state level.
Nearly a quarter of all state legislators are members of ALEC. And over the years, the group has helped usher in laws including mandatory minimum sentences, California's three-strikes law and Stand Your Ground.
ALEC prides itself on being a meeting place where ideas can be discussed and exchanged for the betterment of the American people. Meanwhile, critics call it a secretive lobby for corporate interests to bypass the will of the people.
He currently serves on the Internet Education Foundation Board of Directors, which involves working closely with the Internet Caucus and such projects as GetNetWise, a project to assist parents in understanding the Internet and how to protect children on-line. He also serves as the Chair of the Technology and Communications Taskforce of the American Legislative Exchange Council. He was recently named Policy Advisor for telecom at The Heartland Institute. Earlier he served on the Internet Safety Technical Taskforce, a group comprised of leading Internet businesses and organizations and formed by 49 state attorneys general to focus on identifying effective online safety tools and technologies
>>6701259 (You)
>>6701270 (You)
>>6701286 (You)
SPN Ties to ALEC is a breakout article from the main article on the State Policy Network (SPN).
SPN is a web of right-wing “think tanks” and tax-exempt organizations in 49 states, Washington, D.C., Canada, and the United Kingdom. As of March 2019, SPN's membership totals 162. It is an $83 million right-wing empire as of the 2011 funding documents from SPN itself and each of its state "think tank" members. Although SPN's member organizations claim to be nonpartisan and independent, the Center for Media and Democracy's in-depth investigation, "EXPOSED: The State Policy Network – The Powerful Right-Wing Network Helping to Hijack State Politics and Government," reveals that SPN and its member think tanks are major drivers of the right-wing, American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)-backed corporate agenda in state houses nationwide, with deep ties to the Koch brothers and the national right-wing network of funders.[1]
Dead Georgia Senator (form 2010) NOT an ALEC member…
Schaefer became a prominent conservative political activist in Georgia in the 1980s. She subsequently ran for Mayor of Atlanta in 1993, before running as the Republican Party's nominee for Lieutenant governor of Georgia in 1994,[2] where she lost to incumbent Democrat Pierre Howard.[3][4] She unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination for Governor in 1998, finishing in third place behind Guy Millner and Mike Bowers with 7.7% of the vote in the party's primary election.[3][5] She was elected to the State Senate in 2004 for the northern-state 50th district,[6] where she served until she was defeated by Jim Butterworth in a Republican primary in 2008.[3] She had also sought to wrest the Republican nomination for Georgia's 10th congressional district from Paul Broun in 2008, but withdrew her candidacy before the primary election.[7]
>People can't accept all there hero's are kid eater/abusers.
>Im asking the wrong anon
not sure on Eric..wrong anon
ty for collecting!
bi-partisan but funded from mainly right wing never trumper folk…have just scratched the surface though…
State Policy Network (SPN) is the "bigger" sister org…both dig worthy
>ALEC has been writing boilerplate legislation for
> years. Where u been?years. Where u been?
unaware until TWO STATE SENATORS showed up dead in the last 2 days who were both ALEC members…
But very glad you had it all figured already…
sorry to be so chatty but alot going on…this needs sauce (unless previously notable) particular the turkish lobbyist room mate…notable with sauce..
Q has said ID the boat owner…have we done that? This would indicate "BOAT" is not a zodiac (as seen in the pic) but a much much bigger boat…
Boatfags…any way to be able to tell what large yatchs, etc were in the vicinity on the date of the picture?
New data so not sure anon…need to take it in and process…these are state level politicians for the most part, so not really POTUS worthy on endorsements…WHO in particular are you referring to?
>Q has said ID the boat owner
>refresh our memory on this one.
On the Qdrop where the pic was first posted..
3131..apologies..follow the ATTORNEY not THE BOAT…
>the VP
wife got a note…would have become the PREFERRED POTUS under the FBI/DOJ plan…logic indicates not our guy…
Not arguing anon…just point out more of a white hat/black hat dealio than a D/R…
Was it my maga coalition post that got you tweeked? Just wondering…
Normally try to rise above this shit BTW…
Nice "reversal"…what post are you on fren? Sure that might have worked on other anons for you…