Skies over CONUS are very quiet right now.
One of my old targets, 2-AUER is active again. There are a few 2-reg planes about, but 2-JFDA is a new spoopy one.
Hereford, Texas. I don't get the significance, Anon.
Seems a bit sketchy and slidey to me.
166377 has now acquired call sign VV500.
Roger, Planefag here. Lots of C-17s fly to Ramstein with RCH call signs, they are usually troop swap-outs or supply runs. You tend to see three or more in convoy headed there.
The more interesting traffic to watch are the DUKE call sign exec jets used by the US Army, they regularly fly out of Stuttgart or central Germany.
Things are bust in Europe right now because of annual exercises. I've attached the 2019 NATO Exercise list.
ADS-B Exchange allows you to set Military filters in the Options, I find it better for mil traffic tracking.
Cactus51 flying a loop from the Lockheed Martin airfield at White Settlement.
51 = Area 51?
Roger that. Just watch the strays thayt sneak out of Europe during exercises.
"The best place to hide a tree is in a forest"
Roger that, thanks!
Sometimes, things are in plain sight.
This. The MSM narrative has been shown to be false so many times that they have few that believe them any more.
What happens when you cry Wolf (Blitzer) too many times?
"Paint a fence"
Paint the fence.
Kek! Stolen.
VV700 headed for Las Vegas. Unknown aircraft an angels 5 over LV.
The only identification this aircraft has is that it's Brazilian military. Spoopy.
Or one B-52 and a fuckton of paint.
VV700 descending towards Las Vegas. C-17 THUG81 appears to be following.
THUG call signs were used during Exercise Forcible Entry last year. Are the military about to force entry into a site?
VV700 on final into Nellis AFB.
THUG81 on approach to Las Vegas. It might be a conincidence (sic) but it flew from Pope Field
THUG87 headed west out of Fort Dix / Lakehurst.