Female narcissists can be diabolically manipulative, controlling, and cruel, often working indirectly.
Is the broader Satanic apparatus that Q has helped awaken us to actually a FEMALE led entity? Covert, works indirectly through emasculated male proxies?
Reminds me of Walter Bosley's Empire of the Wheel trilogy, especially the 1st book dealing with occult serial murders involving worship of Hectate:
"Seven questionable and long forgotten deaths in historical San Bernardino, California, offer clues to a shocking possibility that occult serial murder went undetected as such for nearly a century. Through an esoteric based analysis of the odd facts and unanswered questions of the case, in order to determine a possible pattern in the mind of a killer, there is revealed an unexpected yet specific connection between all the known attacks by the legendary Zodiac Killer a half century later– presented for the first time here. With figures like Aleister Crowley and Harry Houdini moving about the periphery and through the middle of the mystery, nothing may have been what it seems, and someone appears to have wanted it that way…"
Quote: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/13506909-empire-of-the-wheel