is it the first time he used 'fakers'?
who are the fakers that we need to find?
Was just listening to CNN report on Colorado Couple who came back from DOMINICAN REPUBLIC RESORT/HOTEL sick after moving from room to room. (DR is where Clinto water/yacht pic was taken).
Why would visitors to hotel get sick but not workers at hotel?
Has anybody heard about maids/ housekeepers, etc at those hotels getting sick from just 'being there'?
the couple said their sickness was caused by organophosphates.
try hard(er)
I know speaker resigning was thought to refer to Paul Ryan at the time, but it could be NP resigning. Could be news tomorrow?
I agree with NOTABLE digg.
And the only reason any anon would be telling another NOT TO DIG is because they are clowns.
What help is needed to digg? I was thinking along the lines of finding who are some rich people living in the area who might own yachts?
Or who own resorts that own yachts?
Or do you think this is a rental yacht?
Or do you think the owner of this boat lives in Florida or coastal US.
Who or what would own a yacht like this and would it be kept in same place all the time?
>a real digger would not have to curse to add weight to their assertions.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
special kind of shill, are ya. Who do you call your father?
why/how can guests get deathly ill by just being there, but workers are fine?
doesn't compute for me
2nd notable with bundle?