R = Ramtha you idiot.
We can prolly drag it out for awhile.
ALEC has been writing boilerplate legislation for years. Where u been?
13 hours straight? Seems legit.
Nice word salad.
Maybe you're just an idiot.
Please continue to sperg out on ground breaking posts. Doing your research off board would just be stupid. Brainlet.
Brainlet #2. Give it up losers.
Kek. Good job.
Swordy #2 attempts to grow a pair. Adorbs.
Congrats on post #21. Remember, you need 75 to hit 10%.
Listen, I get it. You so woke.
Wasn't hard to get them to reveal themselves. Hey Baker, your friends are getting sloppy. Remember: nothing can stop what is coming.
He's a JFK Jr guru. His bitchez are all up in this place.
Yep, add in a shill Baker and it's a real riot fest.
You misspelled tendies.
The sacred geometry crowd loves dem shekels.
Not up to your standards? Boatfag needs some help
You fuckers are getting super desperate. What next, swordy expounding on his dank tech knowledge?
Please stop. This board cannot handle this much deep research.
No shit brah. We hear about it. Every.Fucking.Day.
Kush is so hot right now.
You got another you!