Does anyone else find the wording of this odd? "Mars (of which the Moon is a part)."
Obviously, this could be taken to mean something along the lines of 'reaching the Moon is a stepping-stone to Mars', but the specific wording really activates my almonds in relation to all the stuff we've glimpsed here since the beginning.
As a lifelong atheist (until Q; now I don't know what to call myself), the one 'point' I could ever hand to Creationism was the fact that the Moon is 1/400th the size of the Sun, and also 1/400th as far away, which allows for the near-perfect eclipses that we experience on Earth. That's one hell of a coincidence, and very hard to explain away.
Is the official narrative about the Moon's origins (Earth hit by massive asteroid, debris formed the Moon) one of the Cabal's lies? Is the Moon artificial? Did it originate around Mars? Is POTUS confirming this?
Or am I just reading too much into it?
Opinions/refutations would be appreciated.