here is anothe one:
why, if they care about inclusion, is there no 'S' for 'straight' or 'H' for 'hetero' in the logo?
Gay people don't separate themselves from their families. That's a big fat myth.
And Gay people are supportive of other people's choices.
In fact a straight man, who is a hot and young and awesome dude, often has gay friends who support and mentor.
The problem isn't the desire or the fondness, it's the lack of respect towards others. If you are gay and 'love' a straight man, then you respect him and leave him to be as he is and DO NOT try 'conversion' or other bullshit.
Gay is fake. What we really have are confused people who don't know how to love each other meaningfully without it turning into naked wrestling.
The worst thing a gay man does is to sabotage his straight relationships by trying to turn it into sex.
LGBTQ needs and H or and S to be legitimate.
otherwise it's just division.
PS: the worst that a gay is treated is by creepy gays who abuse them and then toss them aside like yesterday's news.
so I'm warning you young who think you have an alliance with 'all the gays': some of htem are preditory and mean and will abuse you if you let them.
Most, of course, are good.
It's clear that LGBTQ is a political, and not a social movement.