BAKER - Please add this to notables in the bread. Its been around before, but a good read for those who haven't seen it yet.
Oh Shit. This is plausible.
Remember all the tech gurus talking about taking AI too far. Would explain why Q is dropping stuff here to mine for reactions, especially if they know who we all are.
The matrix post and "There is an active war on your mind." has never really sat well with me. If the tech really is this advanced it could move from plausible to likely.
Silent Weapons for Silent Wars - "Social engineering (the analysis and automation of a society) requires the correlation of great amounts of constantly changing economic information (data), so a high-speed computerized data-processing system was necessary which could race ahead of the society and predict when society would arrive for capitulation."
… [Info on computer history]
"With these three inventions under their direction, those in positions of power strongly suspected that it was possible for them to control the whole world with the push of a button."
Sorry, can't dismiss this. Not good at graphics to tie my thoughts together but still noodling at this, but look at all the connected Q drops below and put it in the context of AI and who controls that AI.
Discoveries must be ORIG organically.
Hive-mind. <- Research Hive Mind in AI and Hive Mind vs AI. It gets scary. I will dig here and post back
Coincidence the Matrix (movie) grew people as a crop, used for energy, and controlled their mind?
Power = influence.
Influence = control.
Rinse and repeat.
What power of influence was recently discovered (specifically re: 2016 election)?
How much power of influence does Twitter, FB, Reddit, etc. have in influencing the minds of people?
Social media control is everything.
This scares them more than anything.
Loss of control.
Use logic.
Who controls the narrative?
WHO wrote the singular censorship algorithm?
WHO deployed the algorithm?
WHO instructed them to deploy the algorithm?
SAME embed across multiple platforms.
Why is the timing relevant?
Where is @Snowden?
Why did ES leave G?
Attention on deck.
There is an active war on your mind.
The censorship is one thing, but the key to social media has been the recommendation engines behind it. Initially it was to show you what you wanted and would engage with, but quickly moved to what you would click on that was beneficial to the company and/or ad company. Today it is moving to what you will engage with that benefits TPTB. Censorship is only relevent in that context.
Exactly and pharm drugs, alcohol and other various sin items. I know its fiction, but I think one second later painted a good picture on how to survive the immediate aftermath of a disaster.
AI is what drives the censorship. AI is what drives the "narrative" people sees. AI != Skynet (but it could).
When Q talks
WHO wrote the singular censorship algorithm?
WHO deployed the algorithm?
That is AI. Call it crude or whatever you want, but it is still AI. The sauce is out there, but I believe it was Google that admits they can't explain how their AI works anymore.
Those who know are extremely worried about AI.
High Frequency Trading already is doing this. Part looks at market trends, part automatically reacts to news.
Hi Q/MI. I'm sure we tripped all kinds of keywords and topics this bread you are listening for. We going to get any comments, confirmations or nudges?