Murdered by CIA age 40.
Lennon was a songwriter and musician, it was people who made him into a prophet or something. He actually led a very private life when not out being a Beatle. He didnt take his music very seriously, he just played what he played. Most of solo lps are very simple.
Lennon accomplished more in his 40 years than either of you will do if you both live to be 100. Word.
By Eastern mystic crapola, are you referring to a commonly-held 5,000 year old belief system? You people are stupid. Sheep in Q's clothing.
Justin Timberlake is the fake Paul? Thought he was the fake Q?
Because Soros's check cleared.
Bye @paul Bye@Mitch anytime is good.
Cal is easily the best state, it just has the worst govt libtards. Purge the voting rolls, arrest, and deport . Boom Boom Boom [R]