Trump appointed Haspel as Deputy Director of CIA in Feb 2017. She's been running that agency already for a little over a year.
The top person in each agency doesn't actually manage day-to-day operations. (S)he is far too busy talking and meeting with counterparts, the President, Congress, etc; attending events; and doing a slew of other things. The layer below the top makes the vast majority of high-level decisions in their respective area. In the CIA that would be the Deputy Directors, one of whom is appointed as second in command.
These agencies are filled with careerists. While the more recent hires are probably open to changes, the old-timers commonly aren't because they'll lose power or something. So, the latter usually fight in a passive-regressive way against political appointees who want to rock their boat. Generally, they will swallow changes reluctantly if it comes from one of their own.
Insiders know very well who and what are wrong with their own agencies.