Another look behind the curtain, another domino falls. We have all been taught as fact that when Toba erupted on Sumatra 74,000 years BP, the human line narrowed to a few thousand hardy survivors. This has been an important piece in theories about how we arrived here. Now debunked by this study that shows mankind THRIVED in southern Africa after the explosion. We pull the veil off one lie after the next.
Yes - please include the CM custom javascript that makes the bread tolerable and makes it easy to find one's own posts & their replies, and Q's.
Since this isn't automatic, every newb who comes here ought to have the opportunity to install this.
You misunderstand. Not asking anything to be changed in the site's code. Just asking the Baker to keep this link into the dough along with a few words for what it is. Thanx
<CM custom javascript that makes the bread tolerable and makes it easy to find one's own posts & their replies, and Q's.
<Since this isn't automatic, every newb who comes here ought to have the opportunity to install this
(March 13, 2018)