If you haven't heard about the 8000-9000 members of the Shadow Govt that Hussein put in place that DJT "can't fire", you need to listen to this!
'The Untouchables'
(audio only)
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=19&v=IFFnT9JaG2g
If you haven't heard about the 8000-9000 members of the Shadow Govt that Hussein put in place that DJT "can't fire", you need to listen to this!
'The Untouchables'
(audio only)
https:// www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=19&v=IFFnT9JaG2g
What is happening in schools has been planned and carried out for decades! We're just seeing the results of the '1963 Communist manifesto - Take over of America'!!
>Truth never fears investigation.
Which begs the question…
Why are 'they' so worried about us investigating all the school shootings, mass shootings, Merkel's geneology, Deep State/Shadow Govt., Hussein's past, CF, etc? Why go through the trouble of shutting down web sites looking into such thing? Why ban YouTubers making videos of 'fake news'? Why 'pick fights' with liars? Yeah, look at who 'they' are shutting down and you find a whole shit load of truths!