Stupid nigger, Q asked us to push the internet bill of rights.
This is fucking pathetic
20k? That’s it? I got a blog to promote it? What have you done?
Have you signed it? Has your family and allies? Do you want MZ, SH and Zuck to continue holding the reigns? Fucks sake niggers. Lay off the N and P and start hustling on this.
Yes. Fuck CA govt. They are criminals to the core. Ted lieu, AS, EH, moonbeam, Pelosi, Xavier, that faggot in SF who decriminalized giving someone AIDS without their knowledge. Fuck them all. Burn this mofo down. I can help.
I hope Q just comes out and says what N and P represent so you faggots can move on to more IMMINENT matters like #internetbillofrights. More important. Sign. Promote. Outreach.
Has James woods promo’d? Has bongino?
Those two cops put on admin leave for “showing up without departments knowledge” would be my bet. Are they the same niggers that were loading up the truck with that heavy duffel bag?
So glad you saved that