when the shill bakers do this, it can be helpful to work backwards using diff and figure out where the fuckery started, splice in the more recent notables and good to go.
>>6733011 Researchers from the University of British Columbia have figured out how to convert blood types A, B and AB into the universal Type O
sitting president used his power to harass a candidate.
are there truly competing groups of shill bakers or is it all kayfabe? will there ever be enough popcorn to fully appreciate that some actors don't know they are actors?
3 baker personas, seems like more people than that behind them.
what is your native language, please ?
"Even his double isn't very good."
it's all plausible deniability. shills bake = plausible deniability. board staff comp'd = plausible deniability. Q group spams the living shit out of the board and then drops something really key on the 17th post = plausible deniability.
cancer is a fungus that eats sugars and especially likes amylose (grains and cooked root veggies). It steals DNA from bacteria and implements their strategies, like using capnine to block your vitamin D receptor and turn off your immune system. Going keto will starve it without starving your body.
exactly. aliens in your beer. is why Disclosure will be so traumatic. Have to legalize herb to reduce the shock.
if you have this foreknowledge, perhaps you should alert the USSS ?