Here's another one from what Biden or was it Reid who said BHO was a gifted speaker with no hint of accent…
In his speech of August 3, 2015 President Obama invoked pity for asthmatics in promoting his Clean Power Plan, and did that mainly to forestall criticism of the plan. I am not an asthmatic. But, I am a life-long respiratory-allergy and chronic-sinusitis patient treated by an allergist. So, I do have some empathy with asthmatics; as well as some ‘skin in the game’ of my own. I am also an energy-conscious HVAC engineer of many years (more on that later).
Despite Obama claiming power plant pollution (directly or indirectly) causes asthma, this link (see http://acaai.org/news/facts-statistics/asthma ) suggests the assertion may be strained, and that he is using scare tactics to sell his plan. Eliminating one highly contested pollutant out of so many proven asthma irritants and factors seems, to me, unlikely to produce much of a measureable difference to actual asthma sufferers. Known triggers include pollen, dust, animal dander, drugs and food additives, as well as viral respiratory infections and physical exertion; most of which can be controlled regardless of variations in the outdoor environment. Inhaling CO2 certainly doesn’t trigger asthma; else every asthmatic would need a CO2-free backpack. Therefore, it can only be indirectly that CO2 might be a factor for asthma, and the same is true of other respiratory ailments, none of which are directly affected by exposure to CO2 short of levels high enough to cause asphyxiation (which no one is claiming).
Obama claims his plan will alleviate 90,000 asthma attacks per year.