What if there were health programs and protocols ANY person could do RIGHT NOW to heal themselves?
“Cancer” or cellular degeneration… as it was called over a hundred years ago. Is a condition that can only occur in a specific environment… in general it is acidic… chemo has a ph around 2-3. So we have Dr’s treating a condition involving acidosis with strong acid! Brilliant… guys look this up!
Oh thank GOD you mentioned keto… why? Why has kept shown itself effective?
What is cancer? I’m not trying to be a prick! There are terms that have definite meanings. Cancer is not a living thing! And therefore needs not to eat… nor can it replicate… tumors grow, but cancer is the damaged cell… the tumor is formed around the damage. Why? And how and why would it grow?
I love you!
You know when you’re healthy you can think clearer and work more efficient and therefore do better research in less time? Cocksucker