That is Juju Hapsburg
This. Take it.
We had a secret coop. Looked like a playhouse..paid off the neighbors with eggs. Kek. Nobody ratted us out.
Yup. Giving up sugar would prevent so many health issues…no sauce but I’ve always thought there’s been an underlying effort to hook em young when it comes to sugar…addicts and later, bigpharma patients 4 life! Guaranteed.
There was a homesteading board of sorts..I honk it dropped off sadly. I enjoyed sharing wisdom..
Yep..this is what I eat. Besides health benefits, my weight has been stable for the last 18 yrs roughly.
We got kicked out of the CS church after it was revealed I was treated by a doctor….shudder…for pneumonia. Praying is good yes and sometimes something is cured seemingly by praying but there’s more to it than that.
The church people told me I contracted the illness because I had let “error” (satan) come into my life. I was 6.