What is with all the anti jew posts in every bread?
Pedofag is back
Is that an ape?
Wtf did I do to you? I was just asking a question.
I wasnt talk to you. Piss off
That is an old post
Why are you putting this here? You are making it harder to read the breast. Just let it go and fix it next loaf.
Actually Biden is going to destroy Trump in 2020. It wont even be close. He has failed on every campaign promise and is low key letting more immigrants. The American people arent stupid and he is losing his base.
What does this pic even mean?
Yes. I am a shill.
That was 3 years ago
Sure. What kinda experience do you have?
Yes. Q team defeated them last year. It was glorious. Too bad you missed it.
I get paid by the hour and get commission on replies. Thanks for the (you)
There is already a chan for that. Stop sliding the bread. This is/qresearch/ faggot. Not /health/
How long have you been off your meds?
Disinfo is necessary. You're not trusting the plan hard enough, anon.
Impressive resume, anon. You're hired.
Recovery? It's my job, not an illness. (((They))) pay me well.
That Q pic was from Dec 2018
Agreed. Keep an eye on him. He is going to make us all proud one day.
Understatement of the century
My butt hurts