Anonymous ID: 83be3d June 12, 2019, 6:34 a.m. No.6733004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3008 >>3020 >>3037 >>3058 >>3078 >>3130 >>3166 >>3444 >>3591 >>3645

moar obama fuckery.


We Tracked Obama’s Movements For Over A Month And Based On His Meetings, It’s Time To Question Whether He Is Running A Shadow Government


We started tracking former President, Barrack Obama’s movements over 4 months ago and frankly, I am a bit worried with what we found.


Most Americans have not had the time nor inclination to make a deep dive into how many federal agencies and employees were involved in the attempted coup of Donald Trump.


Even fewer have considered the ramifications of what such a widespread, inter-agency operation may mean to their own constitutional protections. They should care because our Republic has been gravely imperiled by these deep state actors.


If they can get away with this level of corruption with the intent to incriminate a president, what chance does an ordinary citizen have once they’re targeted?


Call it the Shadow Government, the Deep State, or the Permanent Bureaucracy, it all amounts to the same thing.


A group of indeterminate size, and virtually irremovable because of laws that protect their employment, they make the decisions about policy and who gets elected to implement those policies, not you.


Those who have been paying attention have awakened to learn that we no longer have a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people’ that our Founders envisioned.


We raise these questions after reading this report from


[German] Chancellor Angela Merkel has received former U.S. President Barack Obama at her office in Berlin for a meeting characterized by German officials as a routine private encounter with a former international peer.


Merkel’s spokesman, Steffen Seibert, went out his way to emphasize that the chancellor has met repeatedly with ex-heads of state and government “with whom she worked together closely and well for a time.”


We should be demanding to know what was discussed during their private time together…

Anonymous ID: 83be3d June 12, 2019, 7:37 a.m. No.6733379   🗄️.is 🔗kun



kek, 'cummings' is probably 'prairie dogging' now that his wife is in deep shit fuckery. got to stop justice, lest we all get exposed for our crimes against the American people.


grim reaper cumming for his due!