So are you guys willing to admit that qanon is a limited hangout ran by Admiral Binney at the NSA? The purpose being to prevent the armed half of the US population (Republicans) from finally getting fed up, and marching in DC with armed US veterans?
You see. Obama had race relations in this nation set back 40 years. The old NSA feared what would happen if these Cliven Bundy/Millitia type groups encountered Antifa or Black lives matter on the streets of a US city. A bloodbath that could spark REAL CHANGE.
So what to do Q right? Convince those types of people that booms are coming, that justice is coming. NSA knows Americans are fat and lazy, as long as the grocery store has food, super hero movies are out, videogames are available, gas for vehicles, they know Americans wont do shit.
Especially if they think some super spy is going to fix all their problems for them. "Trust the plan", no need to call your Congressmen. No need to start real Pac's to support real politicians, no need to tell Trump to cut the shit with Israel. It's all being done for you!
NSA knew Trump wouldn't get re elected if armed Americans are breaking into Valerie jarrets home, Comeys home, Brennans home, and hanging these people from streetlamps for the world to see. If a US milltia formed and actively engaged Antifa with violence, Trump would become unelectable due to the division.
How to stop That? Convince everyone that justice will come. That there isnt2 systems of justice in this nation, 1 for us, and one for them. Convince everyone that Dems stealing the house in the mid terms through rampant Voter fraud was all "part of the plan".
Now conservatives are all band and censored from every major social media platform just in time for 2020. Trump not doing shit about it, all part of the plan right?
OIG saying Strozk shouldnt be prosecuted lmao, all part of the plan. Hillary got away with it. Trust Sessions?? Dems still allowed to talk impeachment. Trump banning bump stocks, now Trump talking about banning suppressors. What mental gymnastics do you have for that?
Trump doing everything he can to bend over and spread em for the kikes in Israel, but we are saving then for last right?
It's all okay because a few people who committed treason and planned a coup lost their jobs. OH LOOK Q posted a pic from AF1! This must mean justice is coming!
I'm not a shill, I admit I got played by an NSA limited hang out. They justify lying to us by saying it's for the greater good. Clinton foundation crimes go unpunished because it would show 70 percent of our govt is dirty. Thanks NSA for letting the CIA run our nation!