Anonymous ID: bc009c June 12, 2019, 9:52 a.m. No.6734236   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Don Jr. IGNORED his own lawyers when they objected to senators' questions in tense grilling about Michael Cohen's testimony – and answered all of them so Democrats couldn't say he was slippery


When Donald Trump Jr. faced a tense Senate Intelligence Committee grilling on Wednesday, he ignored his own lawyers' objections to nearly a dozen pointed questions and answered them anyway, according to a source with knowledge of what happened behind closed doors.


Trump Jr. overruled his legal advisors who told him he should refuse to answer some questions about discrepancies between his earlier testimony and that of Michael Cohen, the president's disgraced former lawyer who is serving a 3-year prison term for crimes including lying to Congress.


The president's eldest son told reporters on Capitol Hill after his appearance that 'there was nothing to change' about his sworn statements.


'If there needed to be clarification because Michael Cohen – who, let's not forget, is serving time right now for lying to these very investigative bodies – I'm happy to do that,' he said.