I fucking love Jordan and Meadows.
Fuck Cummings.
I fucking love Jordan and Meadows.
Fuck Cummings.
"Mine's constituents…"
Does Lawrence HAVE to play up her blackness by talking like such a nigger?
Holy shit.
I see he's still ripping off VQC, Quinn Michaels, and the early days of Q.
sorta stuff.
VQChris will use Pleiadean terms as code, but then so do a lot of people who pretend to be UFOlogists. It's a way to talk about things openly and with plausible deniability.
It's an old school approach. Space and High Fantasy used to be how civilized people discussed politics. That's where the critiques would live. You can say things about Palpatine and Sauron that you can't say about Soros and Rothschilds.
It's along the same vein as David Icke talking about "Reptilians", but he doesn't actually mean reptile-lookin' aliens.
What he means is people without empathy who are driven by their "reptilian brain" which is (supposedly) where the dominance/submission and fight-or-flight responses hang out.
It's that or it's just his code for (((Jews)))… or he really is talking about Ayy LMAO!!
Holy fuck, Maloney.
That was the definition of mental gymnastics.
"It would overwhelmingly help Republicans!"
And why is that? Is she admitting that the Democrats rely on illegal aliens to inflate their numbers of seats and thus power?
Also, did that cunt seriously ask Jordan to yield so she could comment right after she shot down the notion of her being interrupted for a counterpoint???
With her track record of obvious corruption and literally rigging the 2016 DNC Primary to influence the election….
"Now listen up…"
Moves the mic away.
~That Faggot Cummings
Binney probably already posts here.
Probably giggles at the VQC nerds alongside Chris "Array" and Adm. Mike "Pender" Rogers.
Pender vs Pindar
Difference of (e, e) vs (i, a)
So let's make up some math'n'shit, shall we? Let's.
Let's multiply 'em!
e * e or e^2 and a * i
Then, I'm going to be extra lazy and ignore that the formula is technically E=mc^2 and e=Euler's Number.
Then I'm totally going to consider the implications of correlating the two, anyway BECAUSE FUCK YOU, WE NEED TO CHANGE HOW WE MATH, ANYWAY.
Super Energy=Super Mass * Super Light Squared
e^2=(mc^2)^2 or like e^2=m^2c^4, which is all sorts of gay or like divine or some shit.
(i, a) or ia or Ai.
Divine Light vs Ai.
>please clap
But we already knew that since the Dalai Lama was hanging out with 'em.
Also, the Mexican branch of NXIVM has a different name/DBA, if I remember correctly.