Are those flybys US approved?
be safe
2 words that have lost all meaning for me are boom and soon.
>White hats better have the 2020 elections secured.
After being assured midterms were safe, we can't even rely on 2020 being secured. Very little 2018 election fuckery has been dealt with. Getting invaded with brown skins allowed to vote blue. Voter ID is a joke at this point since most sanc states are giving illegals DL's. What's actually happening in the real world v what's been told here are 2 very different things. Re-defining boom's and soon's is the tip of the ice burg.
Because any declas could taint a grand jury. Thought you were paying attention.
we are past 30 days and 30 weeks. Must have meant 30 months.
ffsโฆnothing is going to be made public while there is an investigation going on? Anons are not paying attention.
it was a joke, anon.
If only that was the only thing not dealt with.
Lots can change in 1.5 yrs. We'll see where we are then, but recent decisions made have me questioning. Just this week, considering asylum for Venezuelians and indoctrination of GMO foods. Real eye openers.
You're not wrong. My post was worded poorly. Frustration with the lack of habbenings, etc. Carry on, fren.