The king died
We will need a new source for nauseating necromancy jibberish and fascist jargon
We can't depend on trannys and serial killers and pedodykes to do all the asshole logic for us . Not even iPhones are prepared for this bigly drumpf not its golden batshit Jew memes
With homo taxes
It's like some bigly conspiracy with the news not covering his farts with larps
Maybe it was Jew farts
We demand attention to trumps Dead Jew farts in the news
May we live on in his shitposter image with fake Jews and serial killers and fake Jew news tranny cocaine .
May his taxes be homo
What a bigly poop leak from our glary Oval Office anons!!!?
Our dearest pedoOTUS has departed of fart fantasyland and has embarked on a ride to the great shitposter in the here after spam above flat earth
With his fake Jews
And cocaine news
No taxes
Our psychophant anointed in cocaine and trannys is no longer a friend of the toilet . For his SHART has passed on to the great shitposter in the great above flat earth
He was such a glamorous shitposter too
Friends with all the trannys
Had cocaine
Had fake Jews
Had casinos
No taxes
Really bigly leak anons
Not in the news
Trump died
On the toilet
Our glary oval needs a new McGowan for the mcguffins so the egregores can fiddle their necromancy gynotology with hobbits in tsipraism economics.
What if we have a prayer circle for our potus that died on the toilet.
It could be Yuge
What a terrible loss for humanity's white supremacy pedovores with cocaine taxes and fake Jew problems
What are we gonna do anons
Potus died on the toilet and the news won't cover it !?