Any other anons pretty angry about the lies that have been perpetrated against us? I imagine most of us are upset by finding out so many things are 'fake news' and "fake science", but today was a kicker for me. I discovered that Mike Adams and Natural News were banned from Facebook for simply reporting, on another platform, the logical extension of the LGBTQIAP agenda which is actual mutilation of helpless children. Such an event apparently actually occurred and a 9 year old boy is now dead. Yet, due to Facebook's anti-human and anti-Christ agenda, it is Mike Adams and his web site that are being punished. Then comes news about record levels of glyphosate in cereals we feed to our children and PFAS chemicals (known by the manufacturer to be contaminating our food back in 2001) detected in food, as well.
What the MSM does not report, or what it does report in a slanted/biased/propagandize fashion has the potential to harm millions of people when the news outlets are owned by a few giants that report the same information. Should ownership of news outlets be challenged and ownership broken up? Can journalists be sued for libel/slander/malpractice/propaganda? Can big tech platforms be treated as utilities with free speech rights built in?
What about large corporations such as Monsanto that spend advertising dollars and collect information on journalists so as to control the narrative? Should corporations be smaller? No longer be treated as "persons" under the law?
Rant over.