Let me guess what's going on here.
Been away for a while.
And trusting the plan?
Let me guess what's going on here.
Been away for a while.
And trusting the plan?
No trip code that's not legit Q post
And why the fuck do I have to type a captcha every post now.
I doubt it because Q+ isn't fighting like that. They should be but they aren't. It's not different than any other "BIG WEEK" or BOOM coming. We haven't even seen the declass. Delay, delay, delay.
The declass is going to be a big blue ball dick tease for us here. Itll be like what we knew 2 years ago lmao. Fucking normies man. Kind of sad but you got to love them I guess. Clueluess.
Obama's just another Pawn in this game. He's a fall guy.
Brennan still has his security clearance lmao.
This guy 2020
All they are going to do is label you a conspiracy nutcase and their little twitter followers will attack you and you'll be outcasted off social media dude.
We've been there. We lost social media. It's been fucking lost. Let it go. The media is a joke no matter what we ask them.
I'm here because its the last bastion of freedom of speech actually. How about you? Cause you blindly follow an anonymous person like its Jesus?
Its not courage. I'm just legitimately shadowbanned so there is no point of posting - no one can see my posts.
I'm listening. Great questions. Go ask Biden. I don't give a fuck about Biden. I'm not going to even for one second believe he will tell you the truth at all and any idiot at a Biden rally is fucking braindead as far as I'm concerned.
I went hard on socials man. Reddit, twitter, instagram, everywhere. Eventually, it catches up to and they figure out who you are and ban you everywhere. Shadowbans.
Drudge is fucking trash now. That's the worst part about this whole thing honestly. How comped drudge got all of sudden. Everybody as a price.
Didn't Trump order all Haitians out of the country and then this DR fuckery started?
What would you have me do?
Ask Biden if he'll tell me the truth about his criminal actions?
I don't get it. How is that a meaningful suggestion? You really think the guy is going to tell you a thing?
If what you believe is true, that Q is connected to President Trump, and frequents this board, aren't I better off venting here so Q reads it and communicates to POTUS that anons are frustrated thereby potentially speeding up the timeline? So by that logic I'm doing a hell of a lot more than you are. You can work as hard as you want. Try working smart.
Biden likes the little ones for some reason. He's a real sick fuck given the pictures and videos of him whipsering in children's ear. Really creepy shit. I wouldn't be surprised if he's all in the creepy shit behind the scenes. He's all about that "untouchable" power trip type shit.
Alright i'm out of here this place is a disaster.
God speed.
For those of you still left here, you are some real ones.