>>6738301 (lb)
Yes, according to the drops it's been corrected already. But the internet news article about Obama running a shadow gov't. Obama's still meeting with people? Gotta confess. Moar than a little confused on this topic.
>>6738301 (lb)
Yes, according to the drops it's been corrected already. But the internet news article about Obama running a shadow gov't. Obama's still meeting with people? Gotta confess. Moar than a little confused on this topic.
Hah! Obama in a mason jar. There's a post.
And the mason jar image with obama in it might be a clue.
Dems are cray cray right now. No doubt about it. America doesn't see how little is being done to protect our nation? We don't have government. We have a three-ring circus.
High degree masons are illuminati. That's what anon has decided.
Know some masons. Know some dropout masons. the dropouts will explain the top is very narrow.
If the illuminati control Obama and his shadow gov't, that makes a lot of sense. And we do know who the illuminati are. Or we did a year agoโฆ
Then who employs Obama now.
Isn't that what the Wayback Machine is for?
Then name the whale.
Anons are the media. Never claimed control.
That's spoopy af.
Or Davinci?
Or davinci?
That is a precious Pepe. Must add to the collection.
So the whale is satan. Anon is to believe that Obama is working on direct orders from Satan to manage a shadow government of these United States?
POTUS and Lynn dR both this bread.
No shit anons.
No shit.
And that was unwound during the last visit to Britain. Caught it.
Crazy how deep this goes.
Interactions. History. Goosebumps.
POTUS is stunning tonight, BTW.
Something big habbened today. He's peeved.
We have clues for the next 1000 years. We lack insight.
My meditations have led me to the same place as this statement.
We truly are - each one of us - divine.
We've been trained otherwise.
This is a big bread. Will have to study it for a bit.
BTW, Adolfo Nicolas.
Also called the grey/black pope.